We hope our earnest Desire to raise a Supply for his Majesty's
Service, on the present Exigency, in Proportion to the Circumstances
of the People, is evident from the Bill in this Session offered; and
that the principal Reasons given by the Upper House for their
Refusal thereof, clearly appear to arise from too near an Attachment
of their Honours to his Lordship's Prerogative, as they have suffered
the mere Shadow of a Claim to induce them to refuse the granting
of Money, and to out-weigh the great Inconveniencies that must
thereby attend our common Cause, and his Majesty's Measures, now
carrying into Execution, for our Safety and Preservation.
And as, under these Circumstances, we conceive our longer fitting
here cannot any Way be either useful, in promoting his Majesty's
Service, or agreeable to your Excellency, and must be both burthen-
some to the People we represent, and greatly irksome and incom-
modius to ourselves, we hope, as nothing now lays before us, we
shall meet with your Excellency's Approbation in our Request to
have an End put to the Session.
Which was read, and assented to, and signed, by Order of the
House, by the Honourable Speaker.
Ordered, That Mr. John Goldsborough, and Mr. Dulany, do ac-
quaint his Excellency, that this House hath prepared an Address
to be presented to him, and desires to know when, and where, he will
please to receive it: They return, and acquaint Mr. Speaker, that
the Governor was pleased to signify, he would receive the Address
on the morrow Morning, at Eight a Clock, in the Conference
Ordered, That as often as the Clerk of the House shall deliver
out Original Papers to be printed, the Printer do give his Receipt
for such Papers, as a Justification for the Clerk.
The House adjourns till the morrow Morning at 8 of the Clock.
Liber No. 48
March 25
Wednesday Morning, 26th March, 1755.
The House met according to Adjournment, &c. All appeared as
Yesterday, except Mr. Earle. The Proceedings were Read.
Ordered, That Mr. J. Goldsborough, with five more, do present
the Address to his Excellency.
The Governor communicated to Mr. Speaker the following Mes-
sage, viz.
Gentlemen of the Lower House of Assembly,
Your Address delivered this Morning, seeming only to offer some
Reasons why I am not, at this Time, to expect so large a Sum as
you say was proposed to be granted for his Majesty's Service, at
the Beginning of this Session, you will excuse me for repeating the
March 26
p. go