Send his dissent to one other Act of Assembly passed at the same
Session Entituled an Act to Repeal an Act Entituled an Act for the
Confirmation of the Lands therein mentioned to Richard Bennett
Esq.r of which Particulars, Gentlemen I take this Early opportunity
of Informing you in Obedience to his Lordships Requisition and
Instructions *
Hor.o Sharpe
Benjamin Tasker Esq.r Attended by the Members of this house
presents to his Excellency the following Address
To his Excellency Horatio Sharpe Esq.r Governor and Commander
in Chief and Over the Province of Maryland
The humble Address of the Upper house of Assembly
May it please Your Excellency
We are much obliged to your Excellency for your Early Communi-
cation of his Lordships Instructions Relating to the Acts Passed in
November 1753 by your Message of this day we are extreamly Sorry
his Lordship should have any objections to those Acts and Particu-
larly to that Act for Amending the Staple of Tobacco for prevent-
ing Frauds in his Majestys Customs and for the Limitation of
Officers Fees, and hope some Expedient will be found to render
it more agreeable to his Lordships Expectations and this Province
be preserved from the Misfortune of loosing one of its Valuable
Laws to such an Expedient we do assure your Excellency we shall
most heartily Concur.
Benj.a Tasker Presid.t
Read the Second time the Bill Entituled an Act directing the Com-
missioners of the Currency Office to call in the Interest due on Bonds
* See Archiv. Md. 1.