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Proceedings of the Court of Chancery, 1669-1679
Volume 51, Preface 60   View pdf image (33K)
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     lx          The First Century of the Court of Chancery.

         As has already been stated, beginning in 1669, separate records were kept
       for the Chancery and Provincial courts. The same individuals, however, con-
       tinued to serve as clerks for both courts, in the Chancery being designated as
       Register, or Register and Examiner, and in the Provincial Court as Clerk.
       This continued until 1694, when we find Henry Wriothesley serving in both
       courts. In October 1694, under authority given him by the Council to select
       a Register, Secretary Lawrence appointed John Freeman, Register in Chancery,
       and beginning with Freeman, who remained Register for fifteen years, dif-
       ferent men held the clerkships in the two courts. As there is no later record
       of the Council concerning itself with appointments of registers in Chancery
       to be found, it seems certain that after Freeman the registers were selected
       by the court, as such appointments only appear in the minutes of the court itself.
         There follows a list of the registers in Chancery from 1669 to the end of
       the colonial period. After the registers' names are the dates between which
       they held office. In the case of the registers before Freeman there are few
       records of appointment, and the dates given are those when the name of each
       register is found for the first and last time signed to Chancery papers.

                     REGISTERS IN CHANCERY.
                           1669 TO1776.
       Robert Carvile (Feb. 1668/9—Nov. 1670)  John Freeman (Oct. 1694—Feb. 1708/9)
       Thomas Cabewood (Nov. 1670—Jan. 1671)   John Beale (Feb. 1708/9—July 1709)
       Robert Ridgely (Jan. 1671—Mar. 1674)    Robert Hall (July 1709—Sep. 1711)
       John Bloomfield (June 1674—May 1677)    Edward Benson (Sep. 1711—Jan. 1714/15)
       Nicholas Painter (Oct. 1677—Feb. 1781/2)     Thomas Jones (Jan. 1714/15—Sep. 1716)
       William Cocks (1682—Mar. 1684)     John Beard (Dec. 1716—May 1718)
       Thomas Grunwin (Mar. 1684—Apr. 1686)    Vachel Denton (July 1718—May 1720)
       James Heath (Apr. 1686—Sep. 1686)  John Talbot (July 1720—Dec. 1721)
       Edward Boothby (Sep. 1686—1689)    Edward Griffith (July 1722-July 1724)
       (Protestant Associators' Convention—Court    Richard Claggett (July 1724—July 1729)
        not functioning)          John Ross (July 1729-Apr. 1761)
       William Taylard (Apr. 1691-Oct. 1693)   Reverdy Ghiselin (Oct. 1761—Feb. 1768)
       Henry Wriothesley (Nov. 1693—Oct. 1694) James Brooks (Feb. 1768—Sep. 1776)

                    CHANCELLORS OF MARYLAND.

         In the list of chancellors which follows, where the Governor was also the
       Chancellor the former title is prefixed to the name, and where the Chancellor
       was not at the same time Governor the name appears without title.

       Gov. Leonard Calvert 1634-1647
          During Calvert's absences from the Province the following acted as Gov-
          ernor and Chancellor
             John Lewger 1638
             Thomas Cornwallis 1638, 1641
             Giles Brent 1643-1644
             William Brainthwayt 1644
             William Ingle (usurper) 1645-1646
             Edward Hill 1646

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Proceedings of the Court of Chancery, 1669-1679
Volume 51, Preface 60   View pdf image (33K)
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