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Proceedings of the Court of Chancery, 1669-1679
Volume 51, Page 498   View pdf image (33K)
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               498        Chancery Court Proceedings, 1677.

         Liber P C  the Same according to the will of the said William Hawleij and to
                have an accompt of the measne profitts raised and Received out of the
                Premisses from such persons as had held and Enjoyed the Same
                dureing the Comp.lts minority and the having then lately
                atteyned his age of one and Twenty yeares & Comeing to looke
                after his Right & title to the Premisses and to have possession of
                the Premisses But the Said Thomas Mathews the Elder George
                Charlsworth Henry Ryder Joseph Hackneij W.m Clawe & Sarah
                his wife the widow of William Cole dec.d and Richard Cole an
                infant Sonne and heyre of the said William Cole haveing Combined
                together to defeat the of his just right and title to the
                Premisses they or some of them had gotten into Possession of
                Severall parcells of the Premises & had gotten possession of the
                said Originall Will of the said W.m Hawleij which they did suppresse
                and Conseale the same or knowing that the Same in the tyme of the
                late Rebellions in this Province was Lost or mislaid that the
                could not procure the Same to Justifie his title to the Premisses
                they the Said Confederates did deny and refuse to Discover where
            p. 112  the same will was or to Deliver up possession of their Severall
                parcells of land to the whose undoubted Right they were
                nor would they discover by what right or title they held the Same
                Contrarij to Equity therefore to enforce a Discoverij of the Said
                will and to have the said Def.ts Sett forth & discover their Severall
                titles to their parcells of Land they soe held and to have an accompt
                of & Satisfaction for their profitts of the Same and that the s.d
                Lands might be Decreed to the and his heyres for ever
                according to the will of the Said Cap.t W.m Hawley and that the
                Def.t might true answer make to the premises & the Comp.It re-
                lieved therin according to Equity he humbly craved the favourable
                aid and assistance of this Honn.ble Court and that proces of Subp.a
                might be thereout awarded against the said Thomas Mathews the
                Elder George Charlsworth Henry Rider Joseph Hackney W.m Clawe
                & Sarah his wife and Rich.d Cole to appeare and answer the Prem-
                isses the being granted and the Said Defend.ts there withall
                Served they appeared accordingly and the Said Thomas Mathews
                the elder putts in his answer to the s.d bill & thereby amongst other
                things did sett forth that he beleived the said W.m Hawley had Such
                right to y.e premisses as before is Sett forth and that the
                was his God sonne and there being great Intimacij between the
                said W.m Hawley and Nich.° Guyther father of the the
                said W.m Hawley did often in the Def.ts hearing assure the said
                Nicholas that he would Settle the premisses on him in Consideration
                of the said Nicholas maintaining the said W.m Hawley dureing his
                life that the said Nicholas being taken a prisoner att Severne by the
                Enemys to the L.d Prop.ry and was Condemned to be shott to death

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Proceedings of the Court of Chancery, 1669-1679
Volume 51, Page 498   View pdf image (33K)
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