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Proceedings of the Court of Chancery, 1669-1679
Volume 51, Page 446   View pdf image (33K)
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               446       Chancery Court Proceedings, 1674.

        Liber P C  and Ann Hatton the sume of twenty thousand five hundred and fifty
               pounds of tobacco in the account menconed as also that they doe
               forthwith deliver unto the said Complainants or their Order the like
               quantity and Stock of Cattle horses hoggs and goods in the said
               account mentioned according to age and number or full Satisfaction
               for the same according to the true intent and meaning of the Con-
               dition of the said bond of eighty thousand pounds of tobacco and
               that the precept or other legall discharge or release under the hands
               and Seales of the Complaints shall be their sufficient discharge for
               the sume tobacco goods and stock of Cattle and hoggs and against
               the said bond of eighty thousand pounds of tobacco And it is further
               Ordered and decreed that the said defendants doe also forthwith quitt
               the possession of the Lands Plantation and premisses in the Will
               mentioned and bequeathed to her the said Ann and deliver the same
               quietly and peaceably to the Complt and upon payment of the said
               Summe of tobacco and delivery of the stock of hoggs and Cattle and
               Goods and Plantation and premisses aforesaid the said bond of
               eighty thousand pounds of tobacco to be delivered up to be cancelled
               and the said defendants for their doeing herein are for ever here-
               after saved harmless and indempnified by this present Decree.

                 This Indenture made the Eightenth Day of November Anno Dni
               1674 And in the Six & Twentyth Year of the Reighne of our Soy-
               eraign Lord Charles the Second by the Grace of God King of Eng-
               land Scotland ifrance and Ireland Defender of the ifaith &c Between
               Mary Bateman of London Spinster Daughter and Heire of John
               Bateman late of London Haberdasher Deceased Otherwise Called
               John Bateman late of Petuxent River in the Province of Maryland
               in America planter And of Mary Bateman wife and afterwards
               Widdow of the Said John Bateman And Henry Scarborough of
               North Waltham in the county of Norf Gent of the one Part and
               Richard Perry of Petuxent in Maryland in America Merchant of the
               other Part Witnesseth that the Said Mary Bateman for and in Con-
               sideracon of the Sume of One hundred pounds of Lawfull money
               of England to her in hand Well and truly paid by the Said Richard
               Perry the Receipt Whereof shee Doth hereby acknowledge and
               thereof and of every part thereof Doth ffully Clearly and absolutely
               acquit exonerate and Discharge the Said Richard Perry his heirs
               Executors & Adminirs for Ever by those prsents by and with the
           p.61    consent Direccon and Appointm.t of the Said Henry Scarbrough
               Testefied by his being Party hereunto and Sealing and Delivring
               hereof hath granted bargained Sold Aliened enfeoffed Released trans-
               ferred Assigned and Set over And by these prsents doth grant
               Bargaine Sell Alien enfeoff Release Transferre Assigne and Sett
               over unto the Said Richard Perry All that Mannor with the Appur-
               tences Called the Resurreccon Mannor in the Provnice of Maryland

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Proceedings of the Court of Chancery, 1669-1679
Volume 51, Page 446   View pdf image (33K)
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