Volume 51, Page 440 View pdf image (33K) |
440 Chancery Court Proceedings, 1674. Liber P C large it doth and may appeare Now for that his Lopp had long before that time reserved for his Owne Use a parcell of land in st Maries County called Choptico Mannour of which the said parcell of land is part and the said Thomas Gerard being sensible thereof fraudu- lently procured his Lopps Grant aforesaid to the disinherizon of his Lopp and his heires of the premisses and the said Thomas Gerard being since deceased. That by good and lawfull men of his Bailiwick he make knowne and give warning unto Thomas Gerard Son of the said deceased who claimeth the same under him that he be before his said Lopp in his Court of Chancery this fountenth day of April to shew cause if any he have wherefore the said Letters patent of the said land as aforesaid made ought not to be revoaked and adnulled and the same into his Lopps hands be seized, and to doe and receive what his Lopps said Court shall doe or grant to be done in this p. 56 behalfe. And how he shall execute this precept that he make knowne to his Lopps said Court and the day aforesaid and that he have there this writt. At which said day to wit the fourtenth day of April in the 42th yeare of the Dominion of Caecilius &c came the said Sheriff and made returne of the writt aforesaid and saith that by Virtue of that writt he hath made knowne to the within named Thomas Gerard that he be and appeare at the day and place within specified as the writt requires. Wittnes Capt John Jordaine and Abraham Combes. And the said Thomas Gerard likewise came and the said Thomas Esq Robert Carvile his Attorny prayed licence of speaking hereunto untill the first day of the next Court and it is granted unto him the same day given to both partys. Lord Proprietary agt this cause Continued untill next Court. John Nichols The Court adjourned untill the 12th of May next Maryland ss Att a Court held for the Chancery and Provinciall Court begun On Tuesday the twelfth day of May in the 42th yeare of the Dominion of Caecilius &c at the Citty of st Maries and there continued untill the six- tenth day of the same month Present His Excellency Charles Calvert Esq Cheife justice The Honble Philip Calvert Eq Chancellour William Calvert Esq Principall Secretary Baker Brooke Esq |
Volume 51, Page 440 View pdf image (33K) |
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