Volume 51, Page 432 View pdf image (33K) |
432 Chancery Court Proceedings, 1673-74. Liber P C Report, as by the same ordr of our said Court Remaining upon Record in our said Cort of Chancery Relation being thereunto had will appeare. And wee being willing that all the ordrs of our said Court shall be Exactly p formed Doe hereby Empower authorize & apointe you the said Samuel Chew and Thomas Taylor to be auditors to audite state & Examine the account of the Defendts Howell and Goldsmith of the Estate of the said Wright, to Examine witnesses upon oath on Either pt and to meete at such times & places for the Doeing of the same as to you shall seeme Convenient Hereby Corn- annding the ptyes Complt and Defends in the said Cause to attend you with their paps & witnesses at such dayes & places as you shall appointe as aforesayd, that so you being fully satisfyed of the truth of the prmises you may with all Convenient speed Report to us in our said Court wheresoever wee shall then be how much you shall finde due from the Defendts Howell & Goldsmith to the Estate of the said Wright that wee being fully informed of the truth may doe therein as in Equity and good Conscience we ought and for yor pceedings herein this shalbe yor warrant Witnes our self at our Citty of st Maryes the said 13th day of ffebruary in the 42th yeare of our Dominion over our said Province and in the yeare of our Lord God 1673. Henry Scarborough This Cause was by the Court Dismist for agt want of psecucon wth Richard Perry & als pounds of Tobacco allowed the Defendts by the Court here for their Costs. ffrancis stocket This Cause being Ripe for hearing, and being agt appointed for hearing this day and the Defendt John Blomfeild being served with a subpoena to heare Judgemt, doth appear in his pp pson and the Complts Attorney likewise, the Cause thereupon Coming to hearing this day before the hono :ble Philip Calvert Esq Chancelor of this Province and his associated Justices of this Court and upon hearing and Debating thereupon and upon Reading the Complts bill and the Defendts answere thereunto with the Depositions & pses taken in this Cause, being all by this Court seriously veiwed & Considered, and hearing of what Could be p. 51 alledged on Either side This Court was all Clearly satisfyed, and Doe order and Decree that the Defendt John Blomfeild doe forthwth Deliver unto the Complt ffrancis stocket or his Assignes the still in question with the appurtenances to whom the Court are Clearly satisfyed it Does truly belong, and the said Court doe further ordr & Decree the said John Blomfeild to pay unto the Complt the sume of Thirteen hundred and Thirty pounds of Tobacco for his Costs in this behalfe Expended. |
Volume 51, Page 432 View pdf image (33K) |
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