Volume 51, Page 387 View pdf image |
Chancery Court Proceedings, 1671. 387 men and seaven comon councillmen Inhabiteing within the citty for Liber P C Evermore And That the said Mayor Recorder Aldermen and comon councillmen shall bee A Body Incorporate and one Comunity for Ever in Right and name And that they the sd Mayor Aldermen and Common councilimen shall have and Beare the name of Mayor Alder men and Comon councill of the Citty of Sainte Maries and by the same name they shall bee called and named and by noe other name and that by the same they shall bee persons able and capeable att Law to bee sued and to sue and to Act Execute and doe as a body Incorporate and to have Succession for Ever and to That End to have a Comon Seale and that Philip Calvert Esquire one of the Inhabitants of the said Citty shall for the Present bee and bee named Mayor of the said Citty for the Ensueing Yeare and John Morecroft Recorder of the same William Calvert Esquire Edward ffitzherbert Esquire Thomas Notely Gent Daniell Jenifer Gent Garret Vansweringen Gent and Marke Cordea Inhabitants alsoe of the said Citty shall bee Aldermen thereof as Long as they shall well behave themselves Therein haveing ffirst taken the oath of ffidelity as alsoe the Oath Appointed by us to bee taken by the Mayor Aldermen and Recorder of the citty of Saint Maries and to bee Administered to them Re spectively by our Lieut of our said Province for the Time being or by Such person or persons as wee or our heires or our Lieut of our said Province shall from time to time Authorize and appoint to Administer the Same and that Thomas Dent Richard Moy, William Brooke, Daniell Clocker, Thomas Innis, Thomas Winn, and Thomas Griffin shall bee of the Comon councill Thereof for soe Long time as they shall well behave themselves therein haveing ffirst taken the sevrll oathes herein menconed and that for the ifuture the said Mayor Recorder Aldermen and Comon Councillmen shall assemble in Some Convenient Place wthin the said Citty on or uppon the nine and twentieth Day of Septembr in Every Yeare and shall then and there Ellect by the Major Vote of such of them as shall bee then present one other Alderman of the Said Citty to bee Mayor of the Said Citty for the Ensueing Yeare and uppon Decease or Remooveall of the said Mayor of the Said Citty for the Time Being or uppon any Decease or Deceases Remooveall or Remoovealls of the Said Recorder or Aldermen or any of them or wthin one monthe After Such Respective Decease or Deceases Remooveall or Remoovealls p.8 the Residue of the said Aldermen Together and with the Major if he shalbe living on or the major Part of them Shall att a Sett time by them to bee appointed wthin the said Citty and Province Elect and nominate Some of the person or persons to bee Mayor Recorder Alderman or Aldermen of the Said Citty in the Place and Places of such person or persons soe Deceased or Remooved Respectively as the case Shall Require Soe as the Said Major Soe to bee Elected and nominated bee at the time of Such Eleccon and nominacon |
Volume 51, Page 387 View pdf image |
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