Volume 51, Page 312 View pdf image (33K) |
312 Chancery Court Proceedings, 1679-80. Liber CD ing unto him the Said George the Said Subpoena under the Seale of the Said Court w.ch Said Subpcena was directed to the Said defendant & was for him to pay to the Compits or to the bearer of the Said writt the sume of four thousand Six hundred fifty Eight pounds of To bacco for Costs of Suit adjudged by the Said Court against him in the Said Cause and the Deponent did at the Same time demand of the Said defend.t the s.d Costs and if he would pay the Same this Depon.t would give him a Receipt for the Same on the back Side of the Said Subpoena But the S.d Defend.t Refused to pay the Same to this Depon.t nor hath he paid the Same to the Comp.lts or this Depon.t or any for them to this Depon.ts knowledge Roger ffowke November 11th 1679 Jurat Coram me Benj.a Rozer Charles &c To our Trusty & Welbeloved L.t Coil.0 Henry Darnall & Coll.° Henry Jowles Greeting Whereas by a finall Order & Decree of our high Court of Chancery Remaining upon Record in our Court it is Ordered & appointed you to Audite State and Examine the accompts & other matters between Thomas Bland & Damoras his wife Comp.'t and Edward Dorsey and Sarah his wife defend.ts depending in this Court or at Law and Stopt by Injuncon of this Court at Such time and place as you Shall appoint, w.ch Said Order (fol. 315) of our Said Court is hereunto annexed We willing that Justice Should be done and that all decrees and orders of our Said Court Should be Exactly performed do hereby Strictly Charge and Comand you and either of you that the Said p.tys Comp.lts and Defend.ts you Call before you at Such time and place as to you Shall Seem meet and the s.d acc.ts & other matters between the Said partys that you audite state & Examine according to the Order of our Said Court & that a Report of your proceeding herein that you Send to us under your hands & Seals into our Court of Chancery the tenth day of ffebruary next wheresoever we Shall then be and this our precept Wittness our Self at our City of S.t maries the Eighteenth day of December in the fifth year of our Dom &c Anncxp Domini 1679 NB Subp.a Stephen Murty to Answer a Bill in Chancery ats Thomas Sympson dat 19.th January ret 13.th of ffebruary RR Subp.a to Garrett Vansweringen to hear Judgm.t ats John Quigley dat 5.th of ffebruary ret 12.th Eadem Memen 1679 RR Subp.a to John Addison ad Testificand. p Rob.t Mason Comp.lt ag.t John & Thomas Penroy def.ts dat 7.th ffeb.ry ret y.e 9.th ffebruary 1679 |
Volume 51, Page 312 View pdf image (33K) |
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