Volume 51, Page 301 View pdf image (33K) |
Chancery Court Proceedings, 1679. 301 pounds of Tobacco p year In Wittness whereof we have hereunto Liber C D Set our hands and Seales the day & year above written William Hopkins (sealed) Mathew Howard (sealed) John Beamon (sealed) Ric: Bayly (sealed) Nich8 Greenbery(sealed) James Smith (sealed) Tho.s Bucknall(sealed) W.m Hawkins (sealed) Theo Hackett (sealed) Stephen Burle (sealed), Christop.r Randall.. . . (sealed)James Orrack (sealed) Humphrey Boone. . . . (sealed) Thomas Tucker (sealed) Which being read and heard It is Ordered by the Court here this day to witt the Eigth day of October in the fourth year of the Dominion of the R.t Hon.ble Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annocp Domini one thousand Six hundred Seventy nine that James Rigby of Ann Arundell County be Summoned to appear here to Shew Cause (if any he have) why his JMrdship's Justices Should not proceed to give Judgem.t upon the aforegoing Inquisition Maryland ss. Let a writt of Enquiry issue out of the Secretarys office to Enquire Concerning a parcell of Land Containing one thousand acres Lying in a Creek on the South of Choptancke River Called Edmondson's decree Given at Mattapany this third of October, 1679 To the Sec.ry or his Chief Cike C: Baltemore November 13.th 1679 Mandamus then issued to Jn.o Brooke & W.m Dorrington of Dorchester County Gentl according to the aforegoing Order Maryland ss. Inquisition of David Williams ats Williamson's Land (fol. 302) An Inquisition Indented taken this prsent Saturday being ye first day of march in the fourth year of his Lordship's Dominion Annoq Dom one thousand Six hundred Seventy eight at the house of Cap.t Tho.s Walker in Sommerset County before us William Stevens & John Winder Gentl By Virtue of a Commission issued out of his Lordship's high Court of Chan.ry in the nature of a mandamus (to us directed) whereby we are Commanded by the Oaths of twelve Good and Lawfull men of the Lounty af.d by whom the truth of the matter may be the better known & Enquired of that We diligently Enquire what Lands David Williams alias Williamson late of Sofherset County afores.d deceased dyed Seized of at the time of his Death as of ffee in the County of Somerset and of what rnanno.T and und.r what Rents and Services, & how much those Lands & Tenem.ts are of value by the year in all issues, and at what time the Said David Williams dyed and who is his next heir & at what age the Said heir is & who those lands & Tenem.ts from the time of the Death of the S.d David Williams alias Williamson hath & doth Occupy & the issues & profits hath & Doth receive by what title |
Volume 51, Page 301 View pdf image (33K) |
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