Volume 51, Page 277 View pdf image (33K) |
Chancery Court Proceedings, 1679. 277 M.r Secretary Liber C D Issue a Writt of Mandamus to Enquire what Lands John English of Caecill Co.ty dyed Seized of in Common form & for So doing this Shall be your warrant Given under my hand this 21.th day of June 1679 C Baltemore June y.e 28.th 1679 Mandamus then issued to Augustine Harman & Jonathan Sybrey of Qecill County that by the Oaths of 12 &c they diligently Enquire what Lands John English of Caecil County dyed Seized of in Caecil Co.tY Retur without delay To the Right Hon.ble Charles Lord Baltemore The Humble petition of Hugh Merrikin Humbly Sheweth That your Peticon.rs mother was possessed of about fifty acres of Land Lying on the north Side Severne in Ann Arundell County that the Said Land descended to your Pet.rs Brother after the Death of yo.t pet.rs mother who Sold the Said Land to one William Drury But never Received of the Said Drury any Consideration for the Same that the Said Drury dyed about three years Since without leaveing any heir to Inherit the Same and that the Said Land is now (fol. 276) become Escheated to your Lordship Your Pet.r humbly prays that a writt of Enquiry may issue out for the Said fifty acres of Land, and if the s.d fifty acres Shall prove Escheated to yor Lopp that yot Pet.r may have the favour to be the purchaser of the Same And yo.r pet.r as in duty Bound shall shall pray &c Hugh Meriken Let a Mandamus issue according to the Request of the Pet.r 3.d day June 1679 C Baltemore To the Hon.ble William Calvert Esq Principall Secretary of this province June ye 5.th 1679 Mandamus then issued to William Hopkins & Mathew Howard of Ann Arundell County that by the Oaths of twelve &c they diligently Enquire what Lands William Drury late of Ann Arundell County deced dyed Seized of in Ann Arundell County returnable without delay To the Rt. Hon.ble Charles absolute Lord & Proprietary of the Provinces of Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltimore &c The humble Petition of William Rawles Humbly Sheweth That there is a piece of Land Called Carlines delight Lying in Kent Island Containing (as yo.r petr conceives) 188 acres |
Volume 51, Page 277 View pdf image (33K) |
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