Volume 51, Page 272 View pdf image (33K) |
272 Chancery Court Proceedings, 1679. LiberCD To the Right Hon.ble Charles absolute Lord and Prop.ry of (fol. 269) Maryland &c.a The Humble Petition of Richard Rawlins of Ann Arundell County In most humble manner Sheweth That your Lordship's Petition.r did Some years Since Administer upon the Goods and Chattells of John Venold of the Co.ty afores.d late deceased who dyed without heir and left a Small Tract of fifty acres of Land which Since his Death had been Seated and (fol. 270) possessed by your Lordship's Petition.r That yor Lordship's Petition.r understanding that the Said Land might in Some press of time become your Lordship's by Escheat did humbly Supplicate yo.r Lordship that in Case the Land Should be Escheated to your Lopp your petitioner before any other person might have your Lordship's Grant of the Same Considering he was already upon the Land and was not a Little damnified by the Administracon of the Said de ceased's Estate. That your Lordship upon your Petition.rs humble Supplication was was pleased to vouchsafe your petitioner the Satisfaction of your Lordship's word and promise that your pet.r Should have the refusall of the Said Land before it Should be Granted or disposed of by your Lordship to any other. That there is one John Barker of the County aforesaid who Live ing upon a Certain Tract of Land near to adjoyning to the Sd 50 acres of Venall purposeth Suddenly to address himself to yo.r Ldp for a Grant of the Same and thereby to frustrate and disappoint the firm Trust and Confidence your Lordship's petitioner hath all this time reposed in your Lordship's Gracious promise Vouchsafed him as aforesaid Wherefore your Lordship's petitioner humbly Craveth Leave to put yo.r Lordship in mind of your Said word and promise & prayeth your Lordship to Vouchsafe him your Lordship's Speciall warrant for Resurvey of the Said Land in order to your Lordship's Granting and Confirming the Same to your Petition.r And yo.r Petition.r Shall Ever pray &c At the foot of the aforegoing Petition was thus written Viz.t Mattapany marcij 1678/9 Let there be a Mandamus issued out of the Sec.rys office Con cerning the fifty acres of Land that was formerly Jn.° Venalls men tioned in the petition above C Baltemore To W.m Calvert Esq Sec.ry of Maryland March y.e 3.d 1679 Mandamus then issued to Richard Hill and Thomas Bland Gent that by the Oaths of xij & they Enquire what Lands John Venolds dyed Seized of in Ann Arundell County Returnable without delay |
Volume 51, Page 272 View pdf image (33K) |
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