Volume 51, Page 270 View pdf image (33K) |
270 Chancery Court Proceedings, 1679. Liber C D the heir is and of what manno.r and under what Rents & Services and how much those Lands and Tenem.ts are of value by the year in all issues and who those Lands and Tenem.ts hath or doth Occupy and the issues and profits hath or doth receive and by what title and how & in what manner and who hath paid the Rent for the Same & to whom, We do by the Oaths of m.r John Warren James Pattison, Thomas Kirkely Peter Mills W.m Cole Thomas Bassett Robert Beard, Henry Spinke Peter Pake Robert Thomas, Robert iford and Cap.t John Cambell who being all ready Sworn Say as followeth That the Right Hon.ble the Lord Proprietary of the S.d Province and by his Patent under the Great Seale of the Said Province bearing date the Sixth day of may Annoq Domini 1651 Give Grant and Enfeoffe unto Walter Pake of the County & Province af.d his heirs & assigns for Ever all that parcell of Land or Tract of Land Lying on the East Side of Brittons bay near the head thereof Containing and Laid out for Eleven hundred acres more or Less To be holden of the manno.r of West S.t Maries Yeilding and Paying therefore yearly unto his Said Lordship his heirs and Successors one pound two Shillings Sterling or Eleven Bushells of Good Corn at the feast of the Nativity of our Lord To be holden in free and Common Soccage by ifealty onely for all Services as Relation being had to the patent may more at Large appear By virtue of w.ch Grant or Patent the Said Jurors do upon their Oaths Say That the said Walter Pake became Seized and possessed of the premisses and being So Seized and possessed thereof the Said Walter Pake did by (fol. 268) writeing under his hand bearing date the tenth day of ffebruary Anno 1652 being menconed and Endorsed on the Back Side of the Patent aforesaid assign all his Right Title and Interest of in and to the premisses to Paul Sympson his heirs and assigns for Ever And the Said Jurors do upon their Oaths farther Say That the S.d Paul Sympson became Seized and possessed of the premisses and being So Seized and possessed thereof the Said Paul Simpson did by writeing under his hand the date not known but Some part thereof to be Seen Endorsed on the back Side of the s.d Patent assign all his Right Title and Interest of in and to the Same premisses unto Nicholas, John and Peter Mills as by the Testimony of the Said Peter Mills one of the Juro.rs doth appear By virtue of which assignm.t they became Seized of the Same and being So Seized and possessed thereof the Sd Nicholas John & Peter Mills did by write ing under their hands bearing date the Twelfth day of December Anno 1653 being menconed and Endorsed on the back Side of the Said Patent assign all their Right Title and Interest of in and to the premisses to John Medley his heirs and assigns for Ever By Virtue of w.ch assignm.t the Said John Medley became Seized and p.221 possessed of y.e prmisses and being So Seized and possessed thereof (fol.268) the Said John medley did by writeing under his hand bearing date |
Volume 51, Page 270 View pdf image (33K) |
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