96 Assembly Proceedings, June 3-23, 1752.
Liber B. L.C.
Keepers; and for other Purposes therein mentioned; amongst other
Things therein contained, it is Enacted, That no Person or Persons
within this Province, not having lawful License, shall sell by Retail,
unless sold at the common and usual Rates of such Liquors between
Merchants and others, any Cyder, Quince-Drink, or other strong
Liquors, to be drank in his, her, or their Houses, or about his, her,
[Part of an
Act recited.]
or their Plantation, upon the Forfeiture of, every Time he, she, or
they shall be legally convict thereof, the Sum of Five Pounds
Current Money, one Half thereof to the Commissioners or Trustees
aforesaid, to be collected, payed, and applied in such Manner as in
the said Act is mentioned. And whereas it is represented to this
General Assembly, that sundry Persons, in Evasion of the true
Intent and Meaning of the said recited Act, and under Pretence of
selling the aforesaid Liquors, at the common and usual Rates of such
Liquors between Merchants and others, do yet retail the same in
small Quantities, to the great Encouragement of Idleness and
Drunkenness: To remedy which Evil for the future, it is prayed that
it may be Enacted,
[No Persons
except such
as have
License, to
retail any
And be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary,
by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's President,
and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority
of the same, That from and after the first Day of October next, no
Person or Persons inhabiting within this Province, not having
lawful License, shall sell any Cyder, Quince-Drink, or other strong
Liquors, to be drank in or about his, her, or their House or Houses,
or about his, her, or their Plantations, under any Pretence what-
soever, under the Penalty of Fifty Shillings Current Money for
every Offence, to be recovered before a single Justice of the Peace
as in Case of small Debts; one Half whereof to the Use of the
Informer, or him, or her, that shall sue or prosecute for the same ;
and the other Half to be paid to the Commissioners or Trustees for
emitting Bills of Credit, established by Act of Assembly, to be by
them applied towards the Payment of the Sum of Four thousand five
hundred Pounds Current Money taken out of the Office of the
Commissioners or Trustees aforesaid.
[Part of the
above recited
And to the End that it may be ascertained, what may be called or
known by the Name of Retailing, Be it Enacted, That any Cyder
or Quince-Drink that shall be sold, under the Quantity of one
Gallon; and Rum, Brandy, or other Spirits, that shall be sold under
the Quantity of one Quart; shall be deemed, adjudged, and taken
as Retailing within the Intent and Meaning of this Act.
Provided always, and it is hereby Enacted, That this Act, or any
Thing therein contained, shall not debar, or be construed to debar
or hinder any Person or Persons, his or their Agents, Clerks, or
Managers, within this Province, to sell and dispose of any Liquor
or Spirits to Tradesmen, Labourers, or others, by such Person or