94 Assembly Proceedings, June 3-23, 1752.
No. 15
Liber B. L. C.
An Act impowering the Justices of Baltimore County Court to
assess and levy a Sum of Current Money, and for other Pur-
poses therein mentioned.
[Justices of
County to
levy 300 l.
on the In-
habitants of
St. John
Upon Application made, by Petition, to this present General
Assembly, from the Rector, Vestrymen, Churchwardens, and other
Inhabitants of St. John Parish in Baltimore County, Be it Enacted
by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary, by and with the
Advice and Consent of his Lordship's President, and the Upper and
Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of the same, That it
shall and may be lawful to and for the Justices of Baltimore County
Court for the Time being, and they are hereby directed and required,
at the next November Court, to assess and levy on the taxable
Inhabitants of the aforesaid Parish, in the County aforesaid, a Sum
p. 568
not exceeding the Sum of Three hundred Pounds Current Money,
together with the Sheriff's Salary of Five Pounds per Centum for
collecting the same, in the same Manner, and under the same Terms
as the County Charges are usually assessed and levied: And that
the Reverend Mr. Hugh Deans, Thomas Franklin, Roger Boyce,
Nicholas Ruxton Gay, Thomas Gittings, John Merriman, and John
for putting
this Act in
Hughes, or the major Part of them, are hereby authorized, directed,
and required, to buy and purchase, in Fee, in the Name of the
Rector, Vestrymen, and Churchwardens, of the said Parish, one
Acre of Land, in the Fork of Gunpowder River in the County afore-
said, at such Place as shall be deemed and adjudged by the said
Hugh Deans, Thomas Franklin, Roger Boyce, Nicholas Ruxton
Gay, Thomas Gittings, John Merriman, and John Hughes, or the
major Part of them, as the most fitting and convenient Place for a
Chapel of Ease to the said Parish: And the aforesaid Hugh Deans,
Thomas Franklin, Roger Boyce, Nicholas Ruxton Gay, Thomas
Gittings, John Merriman, and John Hughes, or the major Part of
them, are hereby authorized, directed, and required to agree and
contract with a Workman or Workmen, to undertake, erect, build,
and in a Workman-like Manner to compleat and finish, on the
aforesaid one Acre of Land, a Chapel of Ease to the aforesaid
Parish: And the aforesaid one Acre of Land, when bought, and the
aforesaid Chapel, when built, and they are hereby Enacted and
Declared to be vested in the said Parish, as the Estate and Chapel
of Ease to the aforesaid Parish, for the Worship and Service of
God, in like Manner as other Lands, and Chapels of Ease thereon
built, in other Parishes, are used and enjoyed.
[The Per-
sons above
to draw on
the Sheriff
for the said
And be it further Enacted by the Authority, Advice, and Consent
aforesaid, That the aforesaid Hugh Deans, Thomas Franklin, Roger
Boyce, Nicholas Ruxton Gay, Thomas Gittings, John Merriman,
and John Hughes, or the major Part of them, be, and they are
hereby authorized and impowered, from time to time as Occasion
shall require, for the Purpose aforesaid, to draw upon the Sheriff of