Acts. 77
And be it likewise Enacted, That if any Master, Mistress, Owner
or Owners for any Slave or Slaves, grown old and incapable of
Liber B. L. C.
Labour, or otherwise disabled by Sickness or Accident, shall neglect
to provide for such old or disabled Slave necessary Food and Cloath-
ing, or shall suffer any Slave or Slaves whatsoever to depart from
his, her, or their respective Habitation or Quarter, or to wander
about begging, whereby such Slave or Slaves may become Burthen-
some to the Neighbourhood wherein they have resided, or others,
it shall and may be lawful for the County Court where such Master,
Mistress, Owner or Owners of such Slave or Slaves shall reside,
upon Presentment of the Grand Jury, to issue their Warrant against
such Master, Mistress, Owner or Owners of such Slave or Slaves,
and to cause such Master, Mistress, Owner or Owners of such Slave
or Slaves to appear before them; and if, upon Examination in a
summary Way, it shall appear to such Court that such Master,
Mistress, Owner or Owners of such Slave or Slaves did not provide
necessary Food and Cloathing, or did suffer such Slave or Slaves
to depart and wander, contrary to the Intent and Meaning of this
Act, such Court is hereby directed and impowered to cause such
Master, Mistress, Owner or Owners of such Slave or Slaves, to
[ Superannu-
ated Slaves
not to be
suffered to
abroad, or
enter into Recognizance, in the Penalty of Four Pounds Current
Money, to be taken to, and in the Name of the Right Honourable
the Lord Proprietary for the Time being, and his Successors for the
Use of such County; with Condition that such Master, Mistress,
owner or Owners of such Slave or Slaves, his, her, or their Execu-
[Penalty in
case of
tors or Administrators, shall provide sufficient Food and Cloathing
for such Slave or Slaves, during the Continuance of this Act; and
not suffer such Slave or Slaves to depart or wander, contrary to the
p. 556
Intent and Meaning of this Act. Provided, That if any Slave or
Slaves shall run away or abscond from the Service of his or her
Master, Mistress, Owner or Owners, contrary to the Will of such
Master, Mistress, Owner or Owners, such running away and ab-
sconding shall not be construed, deemed, or taken to be a departing
and wandering within the Intent and Meaning of this Act.
And to the End that hereafter there may be an uniform and
regular Manner of granting Freedom to Slaves, Be it likewise En-
acted, That where any Person or Persons, possessed of any Slave
or Slaves within this Province, who are or shall be of healthy Con-
stitutions, and sound in Mind and Body, capable by Labour to pro-
cure to him or them sufficient Food and Raiment, with other requi-
site, Necessaries of Life, and not exceeding fifty Years of Age;
and such Person or Persons possessing such Slave or Slaves as afore-
said, and being willing and desirous to set free or manumit such
Slave or Slaves, may, by writing under his, her, or their Hand and
Seal, evidenced by two good and sufficient Witnesses at least, grant
to such Slave or Slaves his, her, or their Freedom: And that any
Deed or Writing, whereby Freedom shall be given or granted to any
[Manner of
setting free,
or manumit-
ting Slaves.]