L. H. J.
Liber No. 47
June 22
By the Upper House of Assembly, June 22, 1752.
We observe that the Allowances mentioned, and referred to by a
Message of the 6th Day of June, 1751, from this House, are not
inferred in the Journal of Accounts: We therefore return the
same, that such Allowances may be made, together with those Ar-
ticles as have arose due since that Time, and are omitted in the
p. 250
p. 251
Signed per Order, J. Ross, Cl. Up. Ho.
[The Ingrossed Bills, from Number 1 to Number 16, were sever-
ally read and assented to, and sent to the Upper House, with the
Paper Bills thereof, by Major Hall and Mr. Earle.]
The House adjourns until Tomorrow Morning at 9 of the Clock.
June 23
Tuesday Morning, June 23, 1752.
The House met according to Adjournment: The Members were
called, and all appeared as yesterday Afternoon, except Mr. Bond.
Mr, Mills, Capt. Williamson, Mr. Rasin, Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Stod-
dert, Mr. Smallwood, Mr. J. Goldsborough, Mr. Oldham, Mr.
Edmonson, Mr. George, Mr. Pearce, Mr. Purnell, Major Selby, Mr.
Evans, and Col. Scarborough.
Mr. Wootton, from the Committee of Accounts, delivers to Mr.
Speaker Col. Lloyd's Account, for Moneys received by him, as Trea-
surer of the Eastern Shore; which was read, and sent to the Upper
House by Mr. Hollyday and Mr. Gantt.
Mr. Abraham Falconar, a Delegate returned to serve in this As-
sembly for Kent County, appeared in the House.
Ordered, That Mr. Gresham and Mr. Hopper do go with him to
the Upper House to see him qualified: They return, and acquaint
Mr. Speaker they saw him qualified in the usual Manner. The
Gentleman took his Seat in the House.
The following Ingrossed Bill entituled, A Supplementary Act, to
an Act entituled, An Act for issuing and taking out of the Office
of the Commissioners or Trustees, &c. 4500 1. Current Money, &c.
was read and assented to, and sent to the Upper House, with the
Paper Bill thereof, by Major Barnes and Mr. Buchanan
A Petition of William Hynson, of Kent County, preferred to this
House complaining of an undue Election had in favour of Mr.
Abraham Falconar, for Kent County aforesaid, was read and re-
ferred to the Consideration of next Assembly.
Benedict Calvert, Esq; from the Upper House, delivers to Mr.
Speaker the Paper Bills (the Ingrossed Bills of which had been
severally read and assented to by both Houses), severally Indorsed,