L. H. J.
Liber No. 47
June 20
for issuing and taking out of the Office of the Commissioners or
Trustees, &c. 4500 1. Current Money, &c. were severally read the
second Time, and passed; and were sent to the Upper House, with
the Bill entituled, An Act for Encouragement of the West-India
Trade, by Mr. Franklin and Mr. George.
Mr. Wootton, from the Committee of Accounts, acquaints Mr.
Speaker that Col. Lloyd, as Treasurer of the Eastern Shore, had
laid an Account before that Committee, of Moneys received by him
for the Use of the Public; and to know if it be the Sense of the
House, that the said Committee do receive the said Account. Or-
dered, That the said Committee do receive the same.
Mr. Hollyday, from the Committee of Laws, delivers to Mr.
Speaker an Address to his Honour the President; which was read,
approved, and ordered to be Ingrossed.
Mr. Wootton, from the Committee of Elections and Privileges,
delivers to Mr. Speaker the following Report :
By the Committee of Elections and Privileges, June 20, 1752.
Your Committee having inspected the Writs directed to the
Sheriffs of Baltimore, Kent, and Prince George's Counties, and
Returns thereon, for electing Deputies and Delegates to serve in this
General Assembly; do find,
That Mr. William Govane, Mr. Thomas Franklin, Mr. Charles
Ridgely, and Mr. Lloyd Buchanan, Delegates of Baltimore County,
are duly returned :
That Mr. Richard Greshani, and Mr. William Rasin, Delegates
of Kent County, are duly returned:
That Mr. George Fraser, a Delegate of Prince George's County,
is duly returned.
All which is humbly submitted to your Honourable House.
Signed per Order, Benja. Beall, Cl. Com.
p. 246
With which Report the House concurs.
Col. Hooper, from the Committee of Laws, delivers to Mr.
Speaker the following Address, Ingrossed; viz.
To the Honourable Benjamin Tasker, Esq; President of his
Lordship's Honourable Council in Maryland, and Commander in
Chief thereof ;
The humble Address of the House of Delegates.
May it please your Honour,
In Answer to your Message of Yesterday to this House, we have
appointed Dr. Charles Carroll, Mr. Thomas Worthington, Major
Henry Hall, and Mr. William Govane, to join such Members of
the Upper House as shall be named, to agree with proper Persons
for fixing the new Cannon.
Which was read and assented to, and signed, on Behalf of the
House, by the Honourable Speaker.