Arms, xx, xxv, 159, 160, 161,
209, 217, 474, 477, 478, 593;
see also Johnson, George;
King, Thomas. Speaker, xxv,
263, 588. Votes and Proceed-
ings of, 392.
Lower Marlborough, 318, 320.
Luns Lot, 452.
Macgill, James, xii, 199.
Mackall, —— , 17, 20, 22, 112,
124, 127, 129, 228, 460, 575;
Benjamin, 28, 37, 38, 39, 48,
61, 64, 66, 67, 71, 157, 180,
188, 189, 190, 191, 193, 194,
197, 207, 208, 209, 218, 219,
223, 224, 226, 227, 230, 245,
246, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253,
259, 406, 416, 420, 421, 425,
428, 429, 430, 470, 480, 481,
482, 484, 494, 495, 505, 506,
544, 547, 548, 551, 587, 588,
606, 607, 612; James John, 28,
37, 38, 39, 45, 58, 59, 61, 64,
66, 67, 71, 72, 157, 190, 191,
193, 194, 197, 210, 219, 223,
224, 226, 227, 230, 406, 416,
420, 421, 425, 429, 430, 431,
470, 478, 480, 481, 482, 484,
494, 495, 497, 5o6, 510, 552,
587, 594, 606, 607, 612; James
John, jr., 59.
Mackey, Gilbert, 317, 320.
Macklefishe's (Macclefish's)
Point, 318, 320.
Macnemara, Michael (Clerk,
Lower House), passim;
Thomas, 636.
MacPherson, Rev., 594.
Maddox, Thomas, 318, 320.
Madeira Wine, see Wine.
Magistrates, ix, 80, 81, 86, 160,
188, 202, 272, 277, 280, 282,
306, 308, 323, 330, 333, 342,
359, 360, 361, 366, 375, 597,
508, 615, 629, 637, 643- Pro-
vincial, 30, 37, 358, 359. See
also Gordon, Robert.
Magruder, Alexander, 319, 321 ;
Nathan, 20, 28, 37, 38, 39, 49,
64, 66, 67, 70, 71, 146, 157,
166, 188, 189, 190, 191, 193,
194, 197, 207, 208, 209, 219,
223, 224, 226, 227, 230, 245,
246, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253,
255, 259, 407, 416, 420, 421,
425, 429, 430, 461, 471, 480,
481, 482, 484, 495, 497, 506,
507, 544, 548, 551-
Magruder's, 321.
Mahony, Mildred, 203, 204.
Main Street, Chester Town, 7.
Majesty's Dominions, Security
of, xxi, xxiv, 467, 400.
Majesty's Service, xi, xviii, xx,
xxiii, xxiv, xxvii, 19, 95, 104,
140, 222, 242, 398, 407, 408,
425, 426, 428, 438, 467, 482,
483, 484, 485, 487, 489, 503,
534, 536, 547, 548, 549, 550,
55i, 56o, 561, 564, 579, 583,
584, 585, 592, 602, 605, 609,
610, 611, 612, 613, 615, 616,
617, 618. Act for, 399, 401,
402, 403, 416, 417, 424, 426,
427, 431, 432, 433, 453, 454,
455, 464, 465, 466, 493, 498,
500, 536, 538, 541, 549, 552,
554, 557, 559, 614.
Malcolm, Rev., 30, 162, 415.
Manduit, see Mauduit.
Manifests, 317, 361.
Manors, xxi.
Mansneld, Lord, see Murray,
Mares, see Horses.
Marlborough Town, 115.
Marshall, John, 369; Rebecca,
214; Richard, 55; Sarah, 214;
Thomas, 214, 367, 368, 369;
William, 214, 367, 368, 369.
Maryland, Laws of, see Acts of
Maryland Gazette, xviii, 286,
410, 517.
Maryland Historical Society,
Mass (Roman Catholic), 53,
20'?, 204. Houses, ix, 52, 514,
Massachusetts (Messachusett's)
Bay, Governor of, 411.
Masters (of ships), xv, 116, 117,
129, 153, 169, 174, 188, 190,
195, 108, 228, 284, 285, 302,
304, 305, 306, 316, 317, 332,
362, 562, 563.
Match, see Arms and Ammuni-
Mate (of ship), 141, 243, 304.
Mattawoman River, 7.
Matters of Fact, Trial of, 275.
Mauduit (Manduit), William,
139, 237, 242.
Mayor, xii, 88. See also An-
Maxwell, George, 318; James,
Melvill, David, 319, 321, 521.
Melvin's Warehouse, 319, 321,
Menas, 412.
Merchants, 93, 96, 145, 154, 333,
369, 371, 637-
Merriman, John, 94, 95.
Michaelmas, 85.
Middleton, Horatio Samuel, 113,
130, 132, 145, 154, 187, 195,
229, 231, 254, 263, 371, 372,
Milburn, Stephen, 317, 320.
Miles River, 318, 321.
Military Expenses, xiii.
Militia, xxiii, xxv, xxvii, 408,
534, 545, 546.
Mills, 297, 208.
Mills, James, 8, 36, 38, 39, 42,
48, 61, 65, 66, 67, 71, 74, 113,
121, 181, 188, 189, 191, 193,
194, 197, 204, 207, 208, 209,
211, 219, 223, 224, 226, 227,
229, 245, 249, 250, 251, 252,
253, 259, 406, 416, 417, 474,
480, 481, 482, 484, 495, 497,
501, 506, 551, 587, 606, 607,
Misdemeanors, see Crime.
Misprision of Treason, 205.
Moidores, see Money.
Molineux, Richard, 53, 55.
Molyneux, —— , 201, 203.
Money, xiv, 62, 133, 150, 152,
155, zdi, 204, 271, 280, 338,
339, 340, 362, 363, 390, 483.
Foreign Coins: Chequins
(Arabian), 362; Guineas
(English and French), 362;
Half Johannes's, 362; Jon-
hannes's, 362; Moidores, 362 ;
Pieces of Eight (Spanish),
362; Pistoles (French and
Spanish), 362; Silver Crowns
(French), 362; Spanish Sil-
ver, 362. Licence, 119, 120,
121, 149, 206, 210, 211, 261,
402, 426, 614. Rates of ex-
change, xiv, 362. See also
Bills of Credit; Paper Cur-
rency Office.
Monokin Bridge, 318, 320.
Moore, Henry, 318, 320, 587,
607, 612.
Moreah, 167.
Merely, Joseph, 215.
Morgan, Henry, 134, 234.
Mortgages, xv, xvii. 165, 338.
339. Foreclosure of, 112, 118,
129, 153, 165, 175, 180, 293,
294, 642.
Muir, —— , 233; Thomas, 166,
167, 168, 171, 191, 213, 214.
Murders, 271, 275.
Murdock, William, 12, 28, 36,
37, 39, 47, 48, 52, 59, 61, 65,
66, 67, 71, H2, 157, 174, 176,
1 80, 220, 223, 224, 226, 227,
229, 245, 252, 253, 259, 406,
416, 420, 421, 422, 425, 429,
431, 456, 465, 470, 478, 480,
481, 482, 484, 488, 489, 493,
494, 495, 497, 498, 501, 504,
506, 515, 538, 544, 548, 551,
554, 575, 587, 588, 594, 606,
607, 612.
Murray, William (Lord Mans-
neld), xvii, 623, 635, 640, 641.
Muskets, see Arms and Am-
Musters, 537, 539, 540, 542, 552,
555, 556, 557, 569-
Myers, Rev., 473, 546.
My Lady's Manor, 460.
Nails, 310, 311, 336, 337, 338.
Nanjemoy, 318, 320.
Nanjemy Creek, 460.
Nanticoke Indians, see Indians.
Nanticoke River, 318, 319, 321.