Ennals's Warehouse, 521.
Equity, Cause of, 273.
Error and Appeal, Writs of, 270,
Escape, Action of, 385, 388.
Escheat, Right of, 382.
Established Church, xii, xiii,
Estates, n, 13, 15, 23, 25, 26, 39,
42, 44, 46, 48, 82, 83, 87, 88,
113, 130, 132, 145, 154, 229,
231, 254, 263, 301, 327, 357,
308, 369, 371, 382, 517. Pau-
per, 357, 365.
European Manufactures, 267.
European Troops, 222, 413, 432,
Evangelists, 201, 202, 204.
Evans, —— , 461; Elisabeth, 214,
215 (see also Faudrie, Elisa-
beth); John, 28, 37, 38, 39,
48, 61, 64, 66, 67, 71, 74, 157,
188, 189, 191, 193, 194, i97)
207, 208, 209, 219, 223, 232,
406, 416, 420, 421, 425, 429,
430, 431, 470, 480, 481, 482,
484, 494, 495, 497, 501, 506,
507, 588, 606, 608, 610; Lewis,
214; Lucy, 214, 215; Sarah,
214, 215.
Evans s Purchase, 215, 367, 368
Evil Deeds, 279.
Examiner General, 354, 355, 359,
360, 483.
Exception, Bills of, 278.
Exchange, Bill of, 271.
Exchange rates, 123, 127, 362
Executions, 270, 271.
Exporting tobacco, see Tobacco.
Falconar, Abraham, 24, 74, 131,
142, 151, 172, 175, 188, 189,
191, 193, 194, 197, 207, 208,
209, 219, 223, 226, 227, 229,
230, 245, 246, 249, 250, 252,
253, 259, 264, 317, 320, 404,
415, 4i6, 420, 421, 425, 429,
489, 494, 495, 497, 501, 506,
Falconar's Warehouse, 366.
Falls, West Side of, 319, 321.
Fandrie, Elisabeth, see Faudrie.
Fansley (tract of land), 295,
206, 297.
Fansley (Fausley) Creek, 295,
Faudrie (Fandrie), Elisabeth,
2I5, 367, 369. See also Evans,
Fausley, see Fansley.
Fees, x, xi, xiii, xiv, xv, 14,
16, 41. 45. 40. 60. i6<;. 182.
183, 193, 196, 315, 358, 359,
365. Admiralty Court, 354,
355. Chancery Proceedings,
351- Clerks, 209, 349, 356.
Commissary General, 347.
Coroners, 356, 357. Criers,
356, 357- Court of Appeals,
355, 356. Court of Delegates,
356. Examiner General, 355.
Justices of County Courts, 120,
197, 207, 208, 209, 210, 260,
490, 496, 497. Land Office,
348. Lawyers and Officers,
360. Secretary, 346. Serjeant
at Arms, 209. Sheriff, 351.
Surveyor General, 353.
Felonies, 271, 275, 279, 306.
Feme Covert, enrolling convey-
ances, ix, 87, 88.
Fences, 107, no, 129, 153, 162,
169, 171, 178, 198, 228, 282,
Ferries, xxii, 491. Landings,
319, 321.
Filial portions, securing of, 15,
23, 25, 44, 82, 83.
Fines and Forfeitures, x, xi,
xxiv, 56, 57, 58, 119, 120, 121,
149, 206, 210, 211, 212, 237,
254, 261, 264, 278, 281, 342,
402, 426, 437, 465, 466, 498,
499, 614.
Fire engine house, xvi.
Fire engines, xvi, 7, 63, 173,
376, 377, 378.
Fires, x, 14, 18, 42, 45, 48, 59,
63, 64, 211, 251, 376.
Firewood, 133, 232.
Fish and Fishing, xiv, 266, 267.
Fishing Creek, 319, 321.
Fitzhugh, —— , 205; Col. —— ,
204; William, 587, 594, 598,
600, 606, 607, 609.
Flanders, 563.
Flats, see Boats.
Flax, 340, 437, 562.
Fletcher, William, 201.
Flints, see Arms and Ammuni-
Flour, 107, i lo, 129. 152, 162,
168, 171, 178, 273.
Forces, see Troops.
Foreclosure of Mortgages, see
Foreign power, intrusion into
province, 221.
Foreigners, Naturalization of,
Foreman (of Jury), 58. See
also Clagett, Testis C.
Forfeitures, see Fines.
Forged Certificates, 312.
Fork of Gunpowder River, 319,
Fornication and Adultery, ix, 13,
15, 23, 25, 44, 47, Si, 79 ff.
Fort de la Riviere au Beuf,
xviii, 410.
Forts, Fortresses, Fortifications,
vii, xviii, 222, 408, 410, 423,
424, 433, 447, 448, 450, 471,
472, 559, 576, 589, 613.
Fothergill, William, 53, 57.
Foxes, 7.
France, vii, 577, 591. King of,
franklin (Franclin, Franklyn),
Benjamin, xxi; Thomas, 3, 4,
17, 19, 29, 32, 37, 38, 39, 44,
47, 49, 61, 63, 64, 66, 67, 68,
71, 94, 95, 135, 140, 157, 160,
234, 243.
Frauds, 306, 337. In Customs,
see Customs.
Frazer (Fraser, Frasier, Fra-
zier), George, 4, 30, 38, 39,
49, 61, 64, 66, 67, 68, 71, H7,
165, 188, 189, 190, 191, 193,
194, 196, 197, 207, 208, 209,
219, 223, 224, 226, 227, 230,
231, 245, 249, 250, 251, 252,
253, 255, 259, 406, 416, 420,
421, 425, 429, 430, 431, 470,
480, 481, 482, 484, 404, 495,
497, 506, 544, 548, 551, 587,
594, 606, 607, 612.
Frederick, 6th Lord Baltimore,
see Calvert.
Frederick County, 14, 50, 54, 89,
1 10, 114, 121, 185, 186, 187,
212, 319, 322, 380, 471, 502,
505, 506, 507, 509, 512, 534,
545, 632, 633. Clerks, 53, 140,
242. Court, Justices of, 403,
404, 425, 428, 429, 439, 442,
643. Court House, 276. Dele-
gates, 28, 157, 407, 471, 544,
588, 607. Justices, 90, 144, 149,
"151, 154, 178, 195, 251, 259,
260, 262, 379, 380, 401, 424,
459, 524, 644. Magistrates,
442. Prison, xxiii, 461, 462,
464, 468, 505, 506, 507, 509,
512, 520, 524, 644. Sheriffs,
237, 424, 442, 608. Wolves,
destruction of, 538, 539, 540,
542, 549, 552, 555,. 557, 566.
Frederick Town, xxiii, 319, 321,
522, 524-
Freeholders, 173, 179, 192, 196.
Freeland, Robert, 318, 320.
French, vii, ix, xi, xiii, xviii,
xix, xxi, xxiii, xxv, 201, 221,
399, 408, 411, 412, 419, 422,
428, 474, 478, 479, 487, 504,
512, 514, 517, 533, 534, 545,
548, 550, 559, 575, 577, 58i,
588, 591, 601, 613, 617. Army,
409, 411, 412, 559. Com-
mandant, xviii. Garrisons,
French and Indian War, vii.
Friends, see Quakers.
Frontier Settlements, xi, 534,
Fry, Joshua, ^187, 489.
Gale, George, 21, 22, 69, 70, 72,
123, 127, 200, 210, 217, 223;
Levin, 21, 22, 69, 70, 72, 123,
127, 206, 216, 223; Matthias,
21, 69; William, 21, 69, 318,
321, 364-