Canoes, 408.
Cape Breton, 576, 589.
Carbines, Carbine Bayonets,
Carbine Slings, see Arms and
Carpenter, 201.
Carriages, xx, 297, 298, 479,
550, 562.
Carroll, Charles (of Annapolis),
ix, xiii, 54, 55; Charles (the
Barrister), xi, xiii; Charles
( of Carrollton), ix, xiii;
Doctor Charles, xi, xiii, 20,
28, 37, 38, 39, 49, 61, 64, 66, 67,
68, 71, 1 10, in, 152, 157, 165,
174, 176, '180, 182, 188, 189,
190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 197,
207, 208, 209, 219, 223, 224,
226, 227, 245, 246, 247, 249,
250, 251, 252, 253, 256, 259,
268, 402, 406, 414, 416, 420,
421, 425, 426, 427, 429, 430,
431, 456, 465, 470, 478, 480,
481, 482, 484, 493, 494, 495,
497, 498, 501, 502, 506, 508,
Su, 533, 538, 544, 548, 551,
554, 579, 584, 585, 587, 593,
SCM, finfi, fry, fnn, fiir 612
Cartouch Belts and Boxes, see
Arms and Ammunition.
Cases and Casks for Tobacco,
303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 3o8,
3H, 312, 331-
Cassell, Henry, 54.
Casson, Henry, 587, 598, 606,
Catawba Indians, see Indians.
Catholics, see Roman Catholics.
Catterall (Cotterell), Thomas,
xvii, 14, 50, 59, 62, 70, 170,
190, 196, 197, 370, 636, 637,
Cattle, 267, 329, 350, 635.
Causeway, 297, 298.
Cavenough, William, 205.
Cecil County, xvii, 10, 16, 18, 41,
47, 50, no, 142, 143, 144, 146,
147, 150, 151, 154, 162, 175,
178, 184, 185, 186, 231, 248,
254, 257, 319, 321, 365, 375,
470, 502, 635. Clerks, 140,
242. Court House, 276. Dele-
fates, 28, 406, 470, 587, 607.
heriff, 234.
Cecilius, 2d Lord Baltimore, see
Certificates, 141, 244, 312, 346,
348, 351, 355-
Chairs and Chaises, assessment,
xxiv, 479, 550, 562.
Chamberlaine, Samuel, 3, 6, 9,
IO, II, 12, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23,
29, 43, 46, 47, 61, 69, 72, 73,
105, 109, no, in, 113, 115,
Il8, 120, 122, 125, 126, 127,
131, 143, 146, 149, 152, 173,
178, IOX), 2IO, 213, 22O, 223,
230, 248, 254, 255, 260, 261,
263, 447, 451, 453, 456, 459,
467, 468, 471, 494, 505, 513,
519, 533, 536, 541, 545, 556.
Chancellor's fees, 343.
Chancery, Court of, see Courts.
Chandler's Point, 318, 320.
Chapels of Ease, ix, xxiii, 9, 50,
52, 94, 95, H4, 202, 299, 300,
380, 381, 460, 461, 464, 467,
468, 507, 520, 526, 527, 643-
See also Churches.
Chdyiii, sec Chapline.
Chaplin, of Lower House, see
MacPherson, Rev.; Malcolm,
Rev.; Myers, Rev.
Chapline (Chapin, Chaplin),
Joseph, 28, 38, 49, 61, 65, 66,
67, 71, 121, 144, 151, 157, 188,
189, 190, 191, 193, 194, 197,
207, 208, 209, 211, 219, 223,
224, 226, 227, 230, 245, 249,
250, 251, 252, 253, 259, 264,
407, 416, 420, 421, 425, 429,
430, 431, 47i, 480, 481, 482,
484, 495, 407, 501, 506, 544,
548, 551, 588, 606, 607, 612.
Chaptico, xxiii, 317, 320, 525.
Church, 20 1.
Chariots, assessment, xxiv, 479,
550, 562.
Charles, 5th Lord Baltimore,
see Calvert.
Charles County, xxiii, 7, 8, 15,
17, 19, 25, 51, 55, 58, 59, 6b,
63, 70, 85, 89, 109, 120, 123,
126, 128, I2Q, 145, 154, 173,
184, 185, 186, 199, 200, 201,
203, 220, 254, 263, 3l8, 320,
367, 368, 460, 461, 464, 467,
468, 470, 502, 506, 507, 512,
520, 526, 595, 605, 606, 607,
643. Court House, 276. Court,
justices, 60. Delegates, 28,
157, 406, 470, 544, 587, 607.
Elections, 595, 605, 606. Jus-
tices, 17, 19, 23, 62, 63, 69, 85,
123, I2Q, 153, l8l, 209, 210,
216, 228, 290, 461, 464, 467,
468, 508, 520, 526, 527, 644.
Sheriffs, 55, 57, 136, 137, 140,
239, 240, 243, 527, 595.
Charles Town, 15, 17, 19, 41,
51, 59, 63, 70, 319, 321, 365,
376. Commissioners, 365.
Charley (tract of land), 112,
126, 145, 154, 214, 215, 220,
225, 226, 254, 263, 367, 368.
Charter of King Charles, 266.
Chase, Jeremiah, 583, 587, 594,
606, 607, 610, 612. Thomas,
xii, 199.
Chequins (Arabian), see
Cherokee, see Indians.
Chesapeake ( Chesapeak) Bay,
xiv, 166, 214, 267, 275, 286.
Chesley (Chesly), Robert, 108,
204, 205.
Chester River, 317, 319, 320,
Chester Town, xvi. 7, 40, 63,
173, 195, 317, 320, 366, 376,
377. Commissioners, 376, 377,
Chests, 510.
Chew, Bennett, xvii, 370, 635,
637, 639-
Chickamuxon Creek, 318, 320.
Chief Justice, 55, 56.
Chief Mate (of vessel), 117,
193, 285.
Chief Officer, of customs, 317.
Chief Officer (of vessel), 317.
Child, Henry, 215, 367, 369;
Henry, jr., 215.
Chimneys, x, 15. 17. 19, 59, 63.
Chippoways, see Indians.
Choptank Bridge, 319, 322. Fer-
ry, 319, 321- River, 522.
Christmas Holiday, 307.
Church of England, 51, 198, 199,
203, 204, 205, 419.
Church of Rome, igSff., 201,
204. See also Roman Catho-
Churches, xvii, xxiii, 15, 121,
210, 290, 340, 341, 363, 4<3u,
525, 643. Grave yard, 300.
See also Chapels of Ease.
Churchwardens, see Rectors.
Cider (Cyder), 96.
Civil Cases, 187, 189, 277, 278,
537, 539, 540, 542, 552, 557,
Civil and Criminal Causes,
Pleas, Process and Proceed-
ings, 270.
Clagett, Samuel, 200; Testis C,
Clergy, Clergymen, xii. xih.
176, 198, 203, 247, 250, 277,
312, 313, 314, 340, 341, 342,
419, 441, 643. See also Benefit
of Clergy; Rectors.
Clerks, 140, 141, 243, 244, 271,
276, 325, 330, 359, 393, 394,
518, 562, 564. Allowances,
Fees, and Salaries, 133, 165,
182, 209, 232, 263, 351, 478.
See also Council; Courts;
Lower House; Magistrates ;
Officers; Upper House; and
various counties.
Clock, for Annapolis, 123, 216.
Coaches, assessment, xxiv, 479,
550, 562.
Coins, see Money.
Cole, ?? , 317, 320.
Colebourne's Creek, 318, 321.
Cole's Creek, 317, 320. Har-
bour, 452.
Collector, 563.
College, 491, 492. See also Edu-
cation; King William School ;
Roman Catholics; St. Omer's
School; Schools; Seminaries.
Colonial Conferences, xxi.