trary and indeed Shameful Exertions of Legislative Authority
that I ever met with, nay the very Ground alledged, is, that
the Fact of Robinson being indebted to Browne which was
proved in 1720, did not appear in 1753. at that rate Every
private Act may be Repealed in 40. or 50. years when the
Witnesses are dead. Besides I think the Conveyance from the
Devisees of Robinson upon that Account is Sufficient Evidence
at this distance of Time.
3d .... What Answer may the Lord Proprietary most properly
give to the Petit." Exhibited to him for his Dissent to this Law and
how wo.d you Advise him to Conduct himself therein and if the
matter should Ultimately be bro't to a hearing before him whether
to Assent or Dissent to the Repealing Law or how otherwise
I think the Act of Repeal so very bad and unjust upon the
Face of it, and so Dangerous an Example, that if no Opposition
had been given to it, nor Application made to the Lord Pro-
prietary He ought in Wisdom and Justice, of his own accord,
to have dissented thereto, and I apprehend that no more is
necessary then to read the two Laws to be fully convinced that
the last ought not to stand; nor such a Precedent be endured.
W: Murray
16. Nov.r 1754.
No. 546
F. Baltimore.
Frederick Absolute Lord and Proprietary of the Province of
Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltimore &c. To our Right
Trusty & Well Beloved Horatio Sharpe Esqr Our Lieutenant Gov-
ernor of Our Province of Maryland And To our Right Trusty and
well Beloved the Upper and Lower Houses of our Assembly there
and to all others in our said Province of Maryland for the time
being Greeting Whereas at a Sessions begun and held at Annapolis
in our said Province of Maryland on the second day of October and
ending the Seventeenth day of November in the third year of our
Dominion over the said Province Annoq Domini 1753. "An Act
Entituled an Act to Repeal an Act Entituled an Act for the Con-
firmation of the Lands thereinmentioned to Richard Bennett Esqr "
Passed into a Law, On due Consideration whereof We have thought
fit to Dissent to the said Act And do hereby Declare the said Act
Entituled "An Act to Repeal another Act Entituled "An Act for
the Confirmation of the Lands therein mentioned to Richard Bennett
Esqr " Null Void and of no Effect Given under our hand & Seal
at Arms at London this Tenth day of December in the Fourth year
of Our Dominion over the said Province Annoq Domini 1754.
By his Lordships Command
Cecils Calvert Secry
Lib. J. R. &
U. S.
p. 46