L. H. J.
Liber No. 48
December 24
On reading the Amendment proposed to the said Bill, which was
thus indorsed, viz.
" By the Upper House of Assembly, December 24, 1754. Read the
first Time, and ordered to lie on the Table.
Signed per Order, J. Ross, Cl. Up. Ho.
" By the Upper House of Assembly, December 24, 1754. Read the
second Time, by especial Order, and will pass, with the following
Amendment; instead of the Words, the first Day of May, in the 7th
Line of the first Page, put, the first Day of February.
Signed per Order, J. Ross, Cl. Up. Ho."
p. 25
On reading here the amendments proposed to the said bill this
House doth not agree therewith.
Ordered, That Mr. Hammond and Dr. Carroll do acquaint his
Excellency, that no Public Business lies before this House to transact.
George Plater, Esq; from the Upper House, acquaints Mr.
Speaker, that the Governor requires the Attendance of the Lower
House in the Upper House.
Mr. Speaker left the Chair, and (with the rest of the Members of
(the Lower House) went to the Upper House, and presented to his
Excellency the Bill, entituled, An Act for taking and detaining able-
bodied Men for his Majesty's Service, which his Excellency passed
into a Law, in the usual Manner; and made the following Speech :
Gentlemen of the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly,
As I want Words to express, I must leave it to you to imagine,
how great must be my Surprize and Concern, at being requested to
put an End to this Session, before you have, in the least Degree, sat-
isfied the Expectations that your several Addresses, presented soon
after the Opening thereof, had raised in me, and I presume, in every
one who might have had an Opportunity of seeing them: However,
as I am unwilling to detain you a Moment against your Inclinations,
I have thought fit, with the Advice of his Lordship's Council of
State, to prorogue you to the 1 5th Day of January next, hoping, that
in that Time, you will endeavour to convince your Constituents of
the Necessity of their permitting you to contribute, without any
further Hesitation, to prevent the Success of the fatal Scheme which
our Common Enemy is now preparing, and proceeding to put in
Execution; wherefore you are to take Notice you are prorogued to
the said 15th Day of January next accordingly.
Thus endeth this Session of Assembly, this Twenty-fourth Day of
December, Anno Domini 1754.
Test. M. Macnemara, Cl. Lo. Ho.