The Lower House. 613
An Act for raising a Supply towards his Majesty's Service.
Whereas the Invasion of the French, and their allied Indians, on
his Majesty's Territories, on this Part of the Continent, is but too
evident, from the Murders and Cruelties by them committed on
divers good Subjects, and carrying others of them into Captivity;
beside the Interruption of the Trade, which at all Times heretofore
the British Subjects had carried on with the native Indians; and their
building Forts and Fortifications on his Majesty's Dominions, on
Places where they actually dispossessed the British Subjects, contrary
to the Law of Nations, in Time of Peace; and from their Efforts,
and Schemes, actually carrying into Execution to command the Con-
tinent of North America; Therefore to demonstrate our Duty to his
Majesty, and to co-operate with our Fellow Subjects, in repelling
these Attempts of our common Enemies, it is prayed that it may be
And be it therefore Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord
Proprietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's
Governor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the
Authority of the same, That the Commissioners or Trustees of the
Loan-Office, for the Time being, shall, and they are hereby obliged,
and directed, to issue out of the said Office, and make current, the
Sum of Four Thousand and Fifteen Pounds Six Shillings, now
signed in the said Office, and not yet emitted and made current, in
such Sums, and at such Time and Times, as his Excellency Horatio
L. H. J.
Liber No. 48
December 24
Sharpe, Esq; Governor and Commander in Chief of this Province,
or the Governor or Commander in Chief for the Time being, shall
think fit to Order, by Draft, or Drafts, under his Hand, on the Com-
missioners or Trustees of the Loan-Office, for the Time being, for
his Majesty's Service; and the said Commissioners are hereby
directed, and obliged, to keep a distinct Account of the Payments
of the said Sum of Four Thousand and Fifteen Pounds Six Shillings.
And for the more effectual answering the good Intentions of his
Majesty's loyal Subjects the General Assembly of Maryland, it is
also prayed that it may be further enacted,
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority, Advice and Consent
aforesaid, That the said Commissioners or Trustees of the Loan-
Office, for the Time being, shall, and they are hereby obliged and
directed to pay out of the Bills of Credit now remaining in the
Office, or which hereafter shall be repaid or received into the said
Office, the Sum of Two Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty Four
Pounds Fourteen Shillings, in Bills of Credit, to compleat the Sum
of Seven Thousand Pounds, to the Order, or Orders, of his Excel-
lency Horatio Sharpe, Esq; or the Governor or Commander in Chief
for the Time being, within this Province, for his Majesty's Ser-
vice; and the same Payments shall keep in a distinct Account as paid
for his Majesty's Service, by Virtue of this Act.
p. 23