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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1752-1754
Volume 50, Page 602   View pdf image (33K)
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602 Assembly Proceedings, Dec. 12-24, 1754.

L. H. J.
Liber No. 48
December 14

We receive with great Pleasure, that Mark of his Lordship's
Regard to his Majesty's American Dominions in general, and to this
Province in particular, manifested by his dispensing with your tem-
porary Absence from this your Government; our Concern for the
Necessity of which, is only alleviated by the great Hopes of a full
Execution of the Royal Commands, and the greater Security to his
loyal tho' remote Subjects, from your Excellency's Conduct, personal
Resolution, and Vigour.

The earnest and tender Regard your Excellency expresses for your
Reputation in this important Service, affords us the greatest Satisfac-
tion, as it is the surest Indication of real Merit, and we hope the Issue
of our Resolves will meet your Approbation.

Youi past Conduct persuades us of your good Intentions for the

future, and gives us the strongest Assurance of your utmost Endeav-
ours to promote the general Happiness and Prosperity of our
Which was read and assented to, and signed, by Order of the
House, by the Honourable Speaker.
Ordered, That Col. R. Jenckins Henry, and Mr. Bordley, do
acquaint his Excellency, that this House hath prepared an Address
to be presented to him, and desire to know when, and where, he will
please to receive it: They return and acquaint Mr. Speaker, that the
Governor was pleased to signify he was ready to receive the Address
immediately in the Conference Chamber.
Ordered, That Mr. Hammond, and Twelve more, do present the
On motion, That the Subject Matter contained in his Excellency's
Speech be taken into Consideration on Monday next, at two of the
Clock Afternoon,
Resolved, That this House will take the same into Consideration
on Monday next, at the Call of the House Afternoon.
On motion, That a Bill be brought in, For taking and detaining
able-bodied Men for his Majesty's Service; Leave is given:
Ordered, That the Committee of Laws do prepare and bring in a
Bill accordingly.

p. 15

On motion, That a Bill be brought in, For the more effectual Dis-
covery of Persons disaffected to his Majesty's Royal Person and
Government, within this Province; Leave is given :
Ordered, That the Committee of Laws do prepare and bring in a
Bill accordingly.
On motion, Ordered, That Mr. Jonas Green do print the Sermon
preached at St. Anne's Church, in the City of Annapolis, before his
Excellency the Governor, and the Members of the Upper and Lower
Houses of Assembly, on Friday the 13th Day of December Instant,

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1752-1754
Volume 50, Page 602   View pdf image (33K)
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