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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1752-1754
Volume 50, Page 600   View pdf image (33K)
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600 Assembly Proceedings, Dec. 12-24, 1754.

L. H. J.
Liber No. 48
December 14

shall in all things as Clerk to the said Committee well and truly
Demean yourself according to the best of your Knowledge so help
you God
Certified by Tho.s Jennings.

I hereby Certify that on this Thirteenth Day of December 1754.
personally appeared before me the Subscriber one of his Lordship's
Justices of the Peace for Ann Arundell County Benjamin Beale &
took the several Oaths Appointed by Act of Assembly of this Prov-
ince to be taken to the Government made Repeated and Subscribed
the Oath of Abjuration and Test and also took the following Oath
to wit You Benjamin Beale do Swear that As Clerk to the Committee
of arms and Amunition you shall true Entries make of all such
matters and things as by that Committee for the time being shall
be to you Directed the secrets of the said Committee you shall not
Divulge to the prejudice of the said Committee or any Member
thereof but shall in all things as Clerk to the said committee well and
truly Demean yourself according to the best of your Knowledge.
Certified by Tho8 Jennings

p. 13

I hereby Certify that on this Thirteenth Day of December 1754
personally Appear'd before me the Subscriber/William Wilkins and
took the several Oaths Appointed by Act of Assembly of this Prov-
ince to be taken to the Government made Repeated and Subscribed
the test and Oath of Abjuration, and also Took the following Oath
to witt You William Wilkins do swear that as Clerk to the Com-
mittee of Elections and Privileges shall true Entries make of all
such matters and things as by that Committee for the time being
shall be to you Directed the secrets of the said Committee you shall
not Disclose to the Prejudice of the said Committee or any of them
but shall in all things as Clerk of the said Committee well and truly
Demean your self According to the best of your Knowledge so help
you God
Tho.s Jennings
Certified by me the Day and
year Above said as one of
his Lordships Justices of
the Peace for Ann Arundell County

Col. Fitzhugh acquaints Mr. Speaker, That he with the other
Gentlemen appointed by this House to return the Reverend Mr.
Sterling Thanks for the Sermon preached Yesterday, before his
Excellency the Governor, and the Honourable Members of the Upper
and Lower Houses of Assembly,) in Obedience to the Order of the
House, did wait upon Mr. Sterling, and returned him Thanks accord-
ingly, and requested that he would allow the Sermon to be printed ;
and in Answer thereto, that Gentleman expressed his grateful Sense

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1752-1754
Volume 50, Page 600   View pdf image (33K)
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