The Lower House. 595
A Petition of Arthur Lee, and John Hanson, of Charles County,
Gentlemen, complaining of an undue Election had for the said
County, at the last Election, was preferred to this House; on reading
the said Petition,
Ordered, That an Hearing be had thereon, at the Bar of this
House, on Tuesday the 17th Instant, and that the Sheriff of Charles
County do attend this House on the said 17th Day, and bring with
him the original Poll taken at the said Election.
Ordered, That the Petitioners Arthur Lee, and John Hanson,
Gentlemen, and all Parties concerned, on Application to the Clerk of
this House, have Summons for all such Witnesses as they want, to
give Testimony in Relation to the Facts set forth in the said Petition.
The House adjourns till the Morrow Morning at 9 of the Clock.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 48
December 12
Friday, December 13, 1754.
The House met according to Adjournment: The Members were
called and all appeared as Yesterday, except Mr. Edward Tilghman.
The Proceedings were read.
Mr. John Paca, a Delegate returned for Baltimore County,
appeared in the House.
December 13
Ordered, That Mr. Buchanan, and Mr. Tolley, do go with him to
the Upper House to see him qualified: They return, and acquaint
Mr. Speaker, they saw him take the several Oaths to the Government
required by Law, subscribe the Oath of Abjuration, repeat and sign
the Test.
The Gentleman took his Seat in the House.
Mr. John Goldsborough, from the Committee of Accounts, ac-
quaints Mr. Speaker, that Committee had chose Mr. Beale Nicholson,
Clerk; the House approved the Choice: Ordered, That he be quali-
fied in the usual Manner.
Capt. Addison, from the Committee appointed to inspect the Arms
and Ammunition, &c. acquaints Mr. Speaker, that Committee had
chose Mr. Benjamin Beall, Clerk; the House approves the Choice :
Ordered, That he be qualified in the usual Manner.
Mr. Williamson, from the Committee of Elections and Privileges,
acquaints Mr. Speaker, that Committee had chose Mr. William
Wilkins, Clerk; the House approves the Choice: Ordered, That he
be qualified in the usual Manner.
Ordered, That the following Rules be observed as such during this
Session, viz.
I. That no Member of this House shall use any reviling Speeches,
or name any Member by his proper Name, otherwise than for Dis-
tinction's Sake; but shall rather use some other Signification, as,
The Gentleman that spoke last, or the like.
p. 8