said province of Maryand as well the Royal Commission with which
his Majesty has been most Graciously Pleas'd to invest you upon this
Important Service as this my Leave of Absence hereby Granted to
you from my said Province and in a more Particular Maner I do
Require and enjoin you that you do in the most serious And Earnest
Maner Recommend it to the Good People of my said Province that
they do in furtherance of his Majestys Royal Intentions and in
Manifestation of their own Just Abhorrence and Resentment at the
unprovoked Insults and attempts of the Invaders most Heartily Co-
operate with his Majesty and their Neighbouring Governments by
Granting such Effectual Supplys & Prosecuting such Vigorous Mea-
sures Against the Common Enemy as shall Demonstrate to all future
Ages the Distinguished zeal and Loyalty of this my Province of
Maryland to their Sovereign and the Cause of their Country Given
at London under our hand and Greater Seal at Arms this sixth Day
of July in the twenty Eighth year of the Reign of Our Sovereign
Lord King George the second and in the fourth year of Our domin-
ion over the said Province Annoque Domini One Thousand seven
hundred and fifty four.
By his Lordships Command [SEAL]
Caecil.s Calvert Secretary
The House appointed Mr. George Johnson Serjeant at Arms, and
Richard Goldsmith Door-keeper, to the Lower House of Assembly :
And, Ordered, That Col. Robert Jenckins Henry do administer to
them the several Oaths to the Government, and Oath of Office.
Col. Henry acquaints Mr. Speaker, that George Johnson and Rich-
ard Goldsmith did take, before him, the several Oaths to the Gov-
ernment required by Law, signed the Oath of Abjuration and repeated
and signed the Test; and, that George Johnson took the following
Oath of Office, viz.
You George Johnson do swear, That you will faithfully, diligently
and honestly Discharge the Office of Serjeant at Arms, to the Lower
House of Assembly, and that you shall not disclose or reveal the
Secrets thereof.
So help you God.
And, that Richard Goldsmith took the following Oath of Office,
You Richard Goldsmith do swear, That you will faithfully, dili-
gently and honestly Discharge the Office of Door-keeper, to the
Lower House of Assembly, and that you shall not disclose or reveal
the Secrets thereof.
So help you God.
Mr. Philip Hammond, a Delegate returned for Anne-Arundel
County, appeared. Ordered, That Dr. Carroll and Major Hall do
L. H. J.
Liber No. 48
December 12
p. 6