L. H. J.
Liber No. 48
December 12
ment, that I may pay the most ready and punctual Obedience to his
Majesty's Commands, shall, with the Royal Commission, be laid
before you: And I will assure you, that the View of being thereby
enabled to contribute, in a more particular Manner, than I could have
otherwise done, to the Security and future Quiet of this Province,
makes me receive these Testimonies of his Majesty's and his Lord-
ship's Favour with infinite Pleasure, and enter on the Service with the
greatest Alacrity. And, Gentlemen, as my future Reputation will, in
a great Measure, depend on the Issue of this Meeting, I cannot help
again repeating my Hopes, that your Resolves will be such, as must
demand my Acknowledgments, and make it my future constant Study
to express my Gratitude, by my Endeavours to promote, to the
utmost of my Ability, the Welfare and Prosperity of the People you
are here to represent.
Mr. Speaker (with the rest of the Members) returned to the Lower
House, and re-assumed the Chair.
The House proceeded to choose a Clerk, and made Choice of Mr.
Michael Macnemara. Ordered, That Mr. Robert Lloyd and Col. John
Henry do acquaint his Excellency with the Choice this House hath
made of a Clerk, and to desire his Approbation thereof: They
return, and acquaint Mr. Speaker, they delivered the Message, and
that his Excellency was pleased to approve the Choice. Ordered,
That Mr. Robert Lloyd and Col. John Henry do go with Mr.
Macnemara, to the Upper House, to see him qualified as Clerk of this
House: They return, and acquaint Mr. Speaker they saw him take
the several Oaths to the Government, sign the Oath of Abjuration,
repeat and sign the Test, and take the following Oath of Office; viz.
You Michael Macnemara do swear, that, as Clerk of the Lower
House of Assembly, you shall true Entries make of all such Matters
and Things, as by the Honourable Speaker for the Time being, and
that House, shall be to you directed; the Secrets of the said House
you shall not divulge, to the Prejudice of the House, or any Member
thereof; but shall in all Things, as Clerk to the said House, well and
truly demean yourself according to the best of your Knowlege. So
help you God.