Tuesday Morning 24, December 1754
This house met again according to Adjournment
Present as Yesterday
Read the Second time the Bill Entituled an Act for Raising a Sup-
ply towards his Majestys Service and will not Pass Sent to the Lower
house by Richard Lee Esq.r
A Bill from the Lower house by Mess.rs Tilghman & Crabb Enti-
tuled an Act directing the Commissioners of the Paper Currency
Office to call in the Interest due on Bonds & other Securities and all
Monies due on funds Payable into the said Office thus Endorsed
By the Lower house of Assembly 24 December 1754
Read the first & Second Time by an Especial Order & will pass
Signed p Order M Macnemara Cl Lo H°
Read the first time in this house & Ordered to lye on the Table
Adjourned till 3 of the Clock in the Afternoon
Eodem Die post Meridiem
This house met again according to Adjournment
Present as in the Morning
Read the Second time by an Especial Order the Bill Entituled an
Act directing the Commissioners of the Paper Currency Office to
call in the Interest due on Bonds & other Securities & all Monies due
on Funds Payable into the said Office, and will Pass with the follow-
ing Amendment instead of the Words, the first day of May, in the
7.th line of the first Page put, the first day of February, Sent to the
Lower house by Col Hammond
Messrs Hammond & Carroll from the Lower house Acquaints his
Excellency that their house has no business before them