At a Session of Assembly begun and held at the City of Annapolis
on Thursday the 12th day of December in the 4th Year of his Lord-
ships Dominion Annoq Domini 1754.
His Excellency Horatio Sharpe Esqr Governor
U. H. J.
Liber No. 34
December 12
p. 519
The Honourable
Benjamin Tasker Esq.r
Col George Plater
Col Charles Hammond
Col Benjamin Tasker
Richard Lee Esq.r
Benedict Calvert Esq.r
Mess.rs Murdock & Lloyd from the Lower house acquaint his
Excellency that there is a sufficient Number of Members met to make
a house and wait his Excellencys Commands
Col George Plater & Richard Lee Esq.r are Sent to the Lower
house to Administer the Oaths to the Government appointed to be
taken by Act of Assembly of this Province to the Several Members
of that house there present and Ordered that the Clerk of this house
attend them who Administered the said Oaths to the Several Mem-
bers then Present and they all Subscribed the Abjuration & Test.
Benedict Calvert Esq.r is Sent to acquaint the Lower house that
his Excellency requires their immediate attendance in the Upper
The Members of the Lower house Attend and his Excellency
requires them to return to their house & make Choice of a Speaker
Mess.rs Henry & Mackall from the Lower house acquaints His
Excellency their house had made Choice of a Speaker.
Col Tasker is Sent to the Lower house to Acquaint them that his
Excellency requires their Attendance in the Upper house to Present
their Speaker for his Approbation
The Lower house Attend and Present Col Henry Hooper to his
Excellency as their Speaker who is Pleased to Approve of their
Choice, and then makes the following Speech
Gentlemen of the Upper & Lower houses of Assembly
As the late Transactions of the French on this Continent and the
consequences that must inevitably attend their Execution of the
Scheme they have Projected against us, have been so often discanted
on, in the most publick manner since the same unhappy Cause that