556 Assembly Proceedings, July 17-25, 1754.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 47
July 25
entituled, An Act continuing an Act entituled, An Act to exempt
Persons appearing at Musters, &c. an ingrossed Bill entituled, An
Act continuing an Act entituled, an additional Supplementary Act
to the Act entituled, An Act relating to Servants and Slaves; an
ingrossed Bill entituled, An Act continuing an Act entituled, An addi-
tional and explanatory Act to the Act entituled, An Act impowering
the Commissioners of the County Courts to levy, &c. an ingrossed
Bill entituled, An Act continuing an Act entituled, An Act for the more
effectual Punishment of Negroes, &c. and, an ingrossed Bill entituled,
An Act continuing an Act entituled, An Act to prevent the Evils and
Inconveniences attending the Sale of strong Liquors, and running of
Horse-Races, near the yearly Meeting of the People called Quakers,
&c. Which Bills were severally read and assented to, and sent to the
Upper House, with the Paper Bills, by Mr. Williamson and Mr.
p. 485
Samuel Chamberlain, Esq; from the Upper House, delivers to
Mr. Speaker the Journal of Accounts, and the following Message,
By the Upper House of Assembly, July 25, 1754.
We herewith return you the Journal of Accounts, which, with the
Amendments proposed thereto by our Message of the 3Oth of May
last, without the Charge of Mr. Bladen's, we are willing at this Time,
for the Ease of the good People of this Province, should pass; but,
at the same Time, we must observe, that we shall reserve that Arti-
cle to a future Session, and declare it is upon Condition that you will
resume the Consideration of it, that we are willing to consent to the
passing this Journal, with the other Amendments.
Signed per Order, J. Ross, Cl. Up. Ho.
Ordered, That Col. Harrison, and Col. Robert Jenckins Henry, do
acquaint his Excellency that no public Business lays before this House
to transact: They return and acquaint Mr. Speaker they delivered the
Richard Lee, Esq; from the Upper House, delivers to Mr. Speaker
the several Paper Bills that passed both Houses of Assembly this
Session; which Bills were severally indorsed, " By the Upper House
of Assembly, July 25, 1754. The ingrossed Bill whereof this is the
Original, is read and assented to.
Signed per Order, J. Ross, Cl. Up. Ho."
George Plater, and Samuel Chamberlain, Esquires, from the Upper
House, acquaint Mr. Speaker, that the Governor requires the Atten-
dance of the Lower House immediately, in the Upper House.
Mr. Speaker left the Chair, and (attended by the Members of the
Lower House) went to the Upper House, and Presented to his