550 Assembly Proceedings, July 17-25, 1754.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 47
July 20
By the Committee appointed by the Honourable the House of Dele-
gates, for enquiring into Ways and Means for raising and replac-
ing the Sum of Six Thousand Pounds Current Money, for his Maj-
esty's Service, towards the Assistance of the Virginians, now attacked
and invaded by the French,
Your Committee agree upon the following Ways and Means, viz.
1. s. d. q.
An Assessment on all Coaches, Chairs, Chaises, and
Chariots, or such like Carriages, each Wheel
0: 5: 0
per Annum,
On all Ordinary Licenses, an Addition of
I 00 00
On all Servants to be imported into this Province
to serve for the Term of Seven Years or up-
I 00 00
wards, each
On all Negroes to be imported into this Province,
an additional Duty on each
0 10 00
On all Licenses to be granted to Hawkers and Ped-
lars, each License per Annum
4 00 00
On all Madeira Wine to be imported into this Prov-
ince, a Duty of per Gallon,
0 00 02
Ordinary Licenses to be applied towards paying the
said Sum of 6ooo 1. after having discharged the
several Sums for which it is now engaged.
1. s. d. q.
Your Committee find, that there is in the Hands of
the Commissioners of the Loan-Office, the Sum
3100 10 06
of, in Bills of Credit,
And, by the Account of Edward Lloyd, Esq; as
Treasurer of the Eastern Shore, arising by
3 d. per Gallon on Liquors, a Ballance as
per his last Account, delivered in to the
Assembly, £. 859 10 9
As also, a Ballance of the Duty of
per Poll on Irish Servants and
Negroes, 240 01 2 2
1099 11 11 2
And the Ballance in Col. Hammond's Hands, as
Treasurer, of the Western Shore, he has com-
900 00 00
municated to your Committee to be
. 5100 02 05 2