U. H. J.
Liber No. 34
July 24
called Quakers and to prevent the tumultuous concourse of Negroes
and Other Slaves During the s.d Meetings. Severally thus Endorsed,
By the Lower house of Assembly 23.d July 1754.
Read the first & Second time by an Especial order and will pass
Signed p Order M Macnemara Cl Lo H.°
A Bill Ent.d an Act continuing an Act Ent.d an Act to make the
Testimony of Convicted [Persons] legal against Convicted Persons —
A Bill Entituled an Act continuing an Act Entit.d an Act for destroy-
ing of Wolves in Frederick County — A Bill Ent.d an Act continuing
an Act Ent.d an Act for the Punishment of Horse Stealers and other
offenders — A Bill Entit.d an Act continuing an Act Entit.d a Supple-
mentary Act to an Act Ent.d an Act laying an Imposition on Negroes
and Several Sorts of Liquors imported and also on Irish Servants to
prevent the importing too great a Number of Irish Papists in to this
Province — A Bill Entit.d an Act continuing an Act Entit.d an Act
for the more Effectual Punishment of Certain offenders and for
taking from them the Benefit of Clergy — A Bill Ent.d an Act continu-
ing an Act Ent.d an Act to enable the Several and Respective County
Clerks within this Province to Remove Some of the County Records
and Papers from the Publick offices. Severally thus Endorsed.
By the Lower house of assembly I9.th July 1754.
Read the first time and ordered; to lye on the Table.
Signed p Order M Macnemara CI Lo H.o
By the Lower house of Assembly 23.d July 1754
Read the Second time and will pass.
Signed p Order M Macnemara Cl Lo H.°
Read the first Time in this house and ordered to lye on the
The Journal of Accounts is brought from the Lower house by
Mess.rs Stoddart and Waggaman thus Subscribed 24. th July 1754
Read and assented to by the Lower house of assembly
Signed p Order M Macnemara Ct. Lo Ho.
Adjourned till three of the Clock in the afternoon