At a Session of Assembly begun and held at the City of Annapolis
on Wednesday the17.th day of July in the 4.th year of his Lordship's
Dominion Annocp Domini 1754
His Excellency Horatio Sharpe Esq.r Governor
U. H. J.
Liber No. 34
1754, July 17
p. 507
The hon.ble
Benj.a Tasker Esq.r
Col. Cha.s Hammond
Sam.l Chamberlain Esq.r
Philip Thomas Esq.r
Benedict Calvert Esq.r
Mess.rs Hooper and Carroll from the Lower house acquaint his
Excellency that [there] is a Sufficient Number of Members met to
make a house and wait his Excellencys Commands.
Col. Hammond and Samuel Chamberlain Esq.r are Sent to the
Lower House to Acquaint the Speaker that his Excellency requires
his immediate attendance with the Lower house in the Upper house
The Lower house attend and his Excellency is pleased to Make
the following Speech.
Gentlemen of the Upper and Lower houses of Assembly.
The Chearfullness with which you have attended every business
relative to the Common Interests of these his Majestys Colonys
obviates every doubt that I might entertain of any exception being
taken to my calling You together So Soon, and I flatter myself that
the present dangerous Situation of affairs will not only evince the
Necessity of it at this time, but engage you without hesitation fully
to comply with the directions contained in the Earl of Holdernesses
The Designs of the French must now be evident to every one.
The have openly in Violation of all Treatys invaded his Majestys
Territorys and committed the Most Violent Acts of Hostility by
Attacking and Intirely defeating the Virginian Troops Under Colonel
In this Emergency the hopes and Expectations of Our Neighbours
Whom in duty honour and Interest We are engaged to Support and
Defend, are fixed upon us for assistance and what Must the world
think of our Conduct, or what Calamity may We not expect, if from
an unseasonable Parsimony We coldly look on while they are cut to