522 Assembly Proceedings, May 8-May 30, 1754.
Liber H. S.
No. 1
August yearly. The Inpsectors at Broad Creek Warehouse, and
Baltimore Warehouse on Indian River, in Worcester County, shall
not be obliged to attend at the said Warehouses more than Two Days
in a Week, between the First Day of April and the Twentieth Day of
August yearly. The Inspectors at Snow-Hill Warehouse, and New-
Port Warehouse, in Worcester County, shall not be obliged to attend
at the said Warehouses more than Four Days in a Week, between
the First Day of April and the Twentieth Day of August yearly.
And be it further Enacted, That the Inspectors at Wells's Ware-
house, at the Warehouse at Charles Brown's Landing, and at Bridge-
Town Warehouse at the Head of Choptank River, in Queen-Anne's
County, respectively, shall not be obliged to attend at their respective
Warehouses more than Four Days, that is to say, on Monday, Tues-
day, Wednesday, and Thursday, in every Week, until the Twentieth
Day of August next, and from the First Day of April until the
Twentieth Day of August, in every Year, during the Continuance
p. 144
of the said recited Act; any Thing in the said Act to the contrary
thereof notwithstanding.
And be it further Enacted, That there shall be allowed and paid to
the Inspectors attending at Frederick-Town on Sassafras River,
and to the Inspectors attending at John Holland's at Bohemia Ferry,
respectively, as well for the present Year, as for each and every
Year during the Continuance of this Act, the Sum of Five Pounds
Current Money to each Inspection, over and above the Salaries or
Allowances heretofore given or made by the said recited Act. And
to the Inspector attending at the Warehouse in the City of Annapo-
lis, there shall be allowed and paid for each and every Year, during
the Continuance of this Act, after this present Year, the Sum of
Five Pounds over and above the Salary allowed by the said recited
not to sell
their Office.]
And to prevent the Inconvenience that may arise from the Sale of
the Office of Inspector; Be it Enacted, by the Authority, Advice and
Consent aforesaid, That if any Person or Persons nominated and
appointed by any Vestry, or commissioned by the Governor, or Com-
mander in Chief for the Time being, to be an Inspector or Inspectors
within this Province, shall take or receive any Sum or Sums of
Money or Tobacco, or any other Thing, or any Reward or Gratuity,
to the Intent that he or they shall refuse to Act under such Nomina-
tion, Appointment, or Commission, such Person so taking and receiv-
ing any Thing to the Intent aforesaid, shall forfeit and pay double
[The Pen-
the Value of the Sum of Money or Tobacco, or other Thing, so taken
and received; to be recovered, by Indictment, or Information, in the
County Court of the County where the Offence shall happen, and be
applied towards defraying the Expence of the Execution of the Act
entituled, An Act for amending the Staple of Tobacco, for prevent-
ing Frauds in his Majesty's Customs, and for the Limitation of