The Lower House. 515
Jesuits, or reputed Popish Priest or Jesuit, on the first Day of Oc-
tober, in the Year, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty One,
or which were held in Trust for such Popish Priest or Jesuit, or
reputed Popish Priest or Jesuit, or which were occupied by such
Popish Priest or Jesuit, or Popish Priests or Jesuits, or reputed
Popish Priests or Jesuits, or by him or them rented out, or by any
other Trust for him or them rented out, to under Tenants, on the
said first Day of October, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty
One, shall and is hereby vested in the Honourable George Plater, and
the Honourable Richard Lee, Esquires; Mr. William Murdock, Mr.
John Goldsborough, Mr. Nicholas Hyland, Mr. John Addison, and
Mr. Henry Wright Crabb; Commissioners appointed for that Pur-
pose, and their Successors, for the Uses and Intents herein after
mentioned, or the major Part of them, and their Successors: And
for the Perpetuation of the said Commissioners, upon the Death or
Removal, or other actual or legal Disability, of any one or more of
them, or any one or more of their Successors, It is hereby Enacted,
that the Residue, or major Part of them, or their Successors, or the
major Part of their Successors, shall, and may, meet in the City of
Annapolis, at any Time within the Space of Four Months after such
Death, Removal, or other actual Disability, and make Choice of one
L. H. J.
Liber No. 48
May 30
or more in the Room of such Commissioner or Commissioners so
dead or removed, or otherwise legally disabled, and such Person, or
Persons, so chosen, and taking the Oaths of Allegiance, Abhorrency,
and Abjuration, and repeating and subscribing the Test, and taking
the Oath of Office, herein after prescribed, shall be fully impowered
to act as a Commissioner, or Commissioners, to the Purposes in this
And it is hereby further Enacted, That the said George Plater, Rich-
ard Lee, William Murdock, John Goldsborough, Nicholas Hyland,
John Addison, and Henry Wright Crabb, or the major Part of them,
Commissioners by this Act appointed, shall, and they are hereby
directed to meet, in the City of Annapolis, at some Time before the
first Day of October, which shall be in the Year, One Thousand Seven
Hundred and Fifty Four, and there make Choice of a fit Person to
be their Clerk, and shall, before some Justice of the Provincial Court,
take the several Oaths to the Government, prescribed by Law, and
sign and repeat the Test, and take the following Oath of Office. " You
A. B. do swear, on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, That as a
Commissioner, appointed by an Act of Assembly of the Province of
Maryland, entituled, An Act for the Security of his Majesty's Do-
minion, and to prevent the Growth, of Popery within this Province,
you will, to the utmost of your Skill and Knowledge, cause Enquiry
to be made into all Lands and Tenements which were, on the first
Day of October, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty One, in
the Tenure and Occupation of, or held by, any Popish Priest or Jesuit,
p. 462