Daniel Dulany, Esq; from the Committee of Laws, delivers to
Mr. Speaker a Bill intituled, An Act for issuing Writs of Replevin
out of the County Courts of this Province; and a Bill intituled, An
Act for the Continuance of the Provincial Court; which Bills were
severally read the first Time, and ordered to lie on the Table.
The Bill intituled, An Act for the Continuance of the Provincial
Court; was read the second Time, by an especial Order, and will
pass, and was sent to the Upper House by Mr. W. Dulany, and Capt.
The House adjourns till the morrow Morning at 9 of the Clock.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 47
May 20
Tuesday, May 21, 1754.
The House met according to Adjournment, &c.
Mr. Bond hath Leave of Absence from the House.
The Bill intituled, An Act for issuing Writs of Replevin out of
the County Courts; was read the second Time and will pass, and was
sent to the Upper House by Mr. Smallwood, and Mr. Edmondson.
Col. Hooper, from the Committee of Grievances, delivers to Air.
Speaker the following Report.
By the Committee of Grievances and Courts of Justice, May 21, 1754.
It being represented to your Committee, that several Papists in St.
Mary's County have made great Opposition to the enlisting Men for
his Majesty's Service, in Order to march to the Ohio, to repel the
Invasion of the French and Indians in Alliance with them, and of-
fered many Insults to the recruiting Officer, as appears by a Copy of
the Deposition of Serjeant Willis, John Hamwood, and John Swal-
low, as also a Copy of a Letter from Col. Fry, to the Rev. Mr. Henry
Addison, hereunto annexed, both well attested.
Your Committee therefore humbly conceive, that such Conduct
and Behaviour of the Papists, at this critical Juncture, join'd with
their known Disaffection to his Majesty's Government, heretofore
often manifested, requires the Consideration of your Honourable
House, that some effectual Means may be used to secure this Part
of his Majesty's Dominion, against our domestic as well as foreign
Enemies: But is humbly submitted to the Consideration of your
Honourable House.
Signed per Order, William Wilkins, Clerk.
May 21
Mr. John Willis, Serjeant in the Virginia Regiment, being sworn
on the Holy Evangelists, deposeth, That he had listed two Men,
named William Bullock and William Tub, at the House of William
Harris, near the Cool-Spring in Maryland; that the said William
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