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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1752-1754
Volume 50, Page 466   View pdf image (33K)
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466 Assembly Proceedings, May 8-May 30, 1754.

U. H. J.
Liber No. 34
May 30

p. 503

Lieu of three hundred pounds Sterling to be taken out of their hands
and that one eight part of the Money arising on Each fund be annu-
ally paid to them for that Purpose

Thereupon the Conferees of the Upper house withdrew to make
Report to their house.

The Conferees met again and the Conferees of the Upper house
delivered to the Conferees of the Lower House reasons in writing as
follow Viz.t By your objections to the second Amendment we take
it for Granted you have agreed to the first, and in Answer to the Ob-
jections We Say that a Mode is ascertained for the Recovery of the
Tax by a Prosecution at Law and although nothing is particularly
given by the said Amendment for the encouragement of Informers
yet as it is made an Act of duty in the Several Officers mentioned
therein to Carry the Act into Execution We think that is Sufficient
and We had not the least Intention to draw his Lordships Claim to
the Fines and forfeitures into Question, on which Point We are fully
Satisfied — To the objection against the fourth Amendment We Say
We do not apprehend where Room is left for Evading the Tax and
desire you would point it out to us — In answer to your objection to the
Sixth Amendment We say that in our Judgment the Naval Officers
must be intituled to the same Commission as upon other duties, unless
Reasons can be assign'd to the Contrary, as to your last Objection
We Say that if there be any defect in the Amendment proposed we
are willing to agree to any Alteration therein as shall be found neces-
sary and that the Bill may be Amended accordingly

Upon which the Conferees of the Lower house desired to with-
draw to take the Advice of their house
Saturday Morning May the the Conferees of both houses
met in the Conference Chamber and the Conferees of the Lower
house tendered to the Conferees of the Upper house a verbal Message
from their House which the Conferees of the Upper house Refused
to Accept unless they would permit the Conferees of the Upper
house to Reduce the same to Writing for the help of their Memory
and to prevent Mistakes, which the Lower house would not agree to
and thereupon withdrew — Soon after the Conferees of both houses
met again and the Conferees of the Lower house delivered the fol-
lowing Instructions in writing viz.t We are directed by the Lower
house of assembly to acquaint your honours that they/for the Reasons
Assigned Yesterday/will not depart from their Resolution, upon the
Second Amendment proposed by the Upper house to the Bill for his
Majestys Service, and in order that an End be put to the Conference
desire to know the final Resolution of the Upper house whether they
will Agree to that part of the Bill as it was Sent up from the Lower
house to which if the upper house doth Concede We are at large to
proceed to the Other Amendments — The Conferees of the Upper

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1752-1754
Volume 50, Page 466   View pdf image (33K)
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