May 21
Tuesday Morning 21 May 1754.
This house met again according to Adjournment
Present as Yesterday
Read the Second time the Bill Entituled an Act for his Majestys
Service and will pass with the following Amendments, in the io.tb
line of the 3.d Page between the words, of, and, one, put three
hundred pounds Sterling to the Treasurer or Treasurers for the
time being, after the word, made, in the 13 Line of 4th Page to the
words, thirty Shillings, in the 8th Line of 5th Page to be left out
and the following words inserted, to any Justice of the Peace, such
Justice is hereby Strictly enjoined and required to bind the said
Hawker Pedlar or Petty Chapman over to the next County Court
where the said Hawker Pedlar or Petty Chapman shall be found
there to be proceeded against according to Law, leave out after the
word, Notwithstanding in 17 line of 5 Page to the word, Each, in
16th Line of 6th Page, after the word Province, in 18th Line of the
same Page, put, as are actually in use, leave out after the words,
p Centum, in the nth Line of the 7th Page, to the word Receive, in
the 5th Line of the 8th Page, in the last line of the 8th Page, instead
of the words, a Commission of two and a half p Centum, put such
Commission as is usually Received upon other duties, in the 9th
Line of 10 Page after the word, them, leave out the following
words, by the Several and respective officers therein mentioned
yearly and every year during the Continuance of this Act, between
the words to, and, the, in the 18 line of 12th Page, put Treasurer
or Treasurers for the Time being, between the words, of &, One in
the 19th Line of the same Page, put three hundred pounds Sterling
in the first line of the last page instead of the words, on the Twenty
fifth day of this present Month of May, put from and after the
Publication thereof in the Second line of the same Page, between
the words, of, &, One, put three hundred pounds Sterling directed
to be paid by the Treasurer or Treasurers for the time being in the