L. H. J.
Liber No. 47
March 7
taken out of the Loan Office for that Purpose, are just and reason-
able, and least burthensome to our Constituents, we have thought
proper to return that Bill, in Hopes your Honours will pass it as it
now stands: And this we have Reason to expect, when we consider,
that last Sessions your Honours would have consented to a Bill For
Licensing Hawkers and Pedlars, in the Terms of that Part of the
present Bill, relating thereto, had the License Money and Fines and
Forfeitures, been appropriated to the Lord Proprietor: And how
reasonable it may be now to reject that Part, because the License
Money and Fines and Forfeitures, are appropriated towards the
Replacement of a Sum of Money, raised for his Majesty's Service,
we submit to your Honours serious Consideration.
As the great Arrears due on the Ordinary Licenses cannot be
satisfied in several Years, it is apparently necessary, that other Expe-
dients should be fallen upon in Aid of that Act; for this Purpose,
the Part of the Bill now proposed by your Honours to be left out,
was inserted, and as it is in itself useful and beneficial to the Country,
and has appeared in that Light to your Honours, we cannot conceive
what reasonable Objection can now be made to it. We have the pres-
ent Service much at Heart, and cannot doubt your Honours are
equally sollicitous about it, therefore rest assured of your Concur-
rence to a Bill so plainly calculated for the Service of his Majesty,
and the Ease and Benefit of the People of this Province.
Signed per Order, M. Macnemara, Cl. Lo. Ho.
Was sent to the Upper House with the Bill intituled, An Act for
his Majesty's Service, by Doctor Carroll and Five more.
Col. Hammond, from the Upper House, delivers to Mr. Speaker,
a Petition of some Inhabitants near Broad-Creek, in Worcester
County, indorsed, " By the Upper House of Assembly, referred to
the Consideration of the Lower House of Assembly." Which Peti-
tion was here read, and referred to the Consideration of next
Col. Tasker, from the Upper House, delivers to Mr. Speaker the
Bill intituled, A Supplementary Act to the Act intituled, An Act for
amending the Staple of Tobacco, for preventing Frauds in his Maj-
esty's Customs, and for the Limitation of Officers Fees, indorsed,
" By the Upper House of Assembly, March 7, 1754. Read the sec-
ond Time, and the last Clause being omitted, will pass." Which Bill
was read here, and with the Amendments proposed, passed for