420 Assembly Proceedings, Feb. 26-Mar. 9, 1754.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 47
March 5
as they should Occupy the same, and afterwards were to be disposed
of as the General Assembly of this Province should direct, and
forasmuch as it is represented that the Indians have, for some
Time past, omitted to Occupy, and have quitted the Possession of
the said Land,
Ordered, That Col. Robert Jenckins Henry, Mr. Waggaman,
Mr. Gillis, and Mr. Handy, do make an Enquiry, according to the
Purport of the Motion and the said Act of Assembly, and make
Report thereof to this House the next Session.
The House adjourns till 2 of the Clock Afternoon.
The House met according to Adjournment, &c.
On reading the Report from the Committee of Grievances, the
Question was put, Whether the House concurs with the said Report,
or Not ? Resolved in the Affirmative.
p. 392
For the Affirmative,
M.r Williamson,
M.r Waggaman,
M.r Pearce,
M.r Gresham,
M.r Gillis,
Capt.n Addison,
M.r Falconar,
Col. Henry,
M.r Murdock,
Doctor Carroll,
M.r Handy,
M.r Frasier,
Major Hall,
M.r J. Goldsborough,
M.r Hawkins,
Capt.n Gassaway,
M.r Oldham,
M.r W. Dulany,
M.r J. J. Mackall,
M.r Edmunson,
Doctor Hamilton,
M.r B. Mackall,
M.r Tilghman,
Capt.n Hopper,
M.r Reynolds,
Major Travers,
Capt.n Evans,
M.r Gantt,
M.r Gray,
Col. Scarborough,
Capt.n Lee,
Major Ridgely,
M.r Crabb,
M.r Stoddert,
M.r Paca,
M.r Chapline,
M.r Smallwood,
M.r Hyland,
M.r Magruder.
Col. Harrison,
M.r Earle,
For the Negative,
Major Barnes
M.r Key
M.r D. Dulany
p. 393
The House having concurred with the foregoing Report, it was
moved by a Member, that an Address be prepared to his Excellency
the Governor, on the Subject Matter therein contained; thereupon
Leave is given.
Ordered, That the Committee of Grievances and Courts of Jus-
tice, do prepare and bring in an Address accordingly.
Mr. J. Goldsborough from the Committee of Grievances and
Courts of Justice, delivers to Mr. Speaker an Address to his Excel-
lency, which was read and ordered to lie on the Table.
Mr. Key from the Committee of Laws, delivers to Mr. Speaker a
Bill intituled, A Supplementary Act to the Act intituled, An Act for
amending the Staple of Tobacco, for preventing Frauds in his