Acts. 393
tioned, there shall be allowed to the said Sheriffs respectively a Com-
mission of Five Pounds Per Centum, and no more.
Provided always, That the said Jonas Green shall actually reside at
Annapolis during the Continuance of this Act, and comply with the
Terms thereof; and that upon the Death of the said Jonas Green, or
his Removal from Annapolis, or ceasing to comply with the Terms of
this Act on his Part, the Payment of the Sums of Money directed
by this Act to be paid to him shall cease; any Thing contained in this
Act to the contrary notwithstanding.
Liber H. S.
No. I
And be it likewise Enacted, That the Copy of the Public Laws
made this present Session of Assembly, as well as those made at any
future Session during the Continuance of this Act, shall have mar-
ginal Notes made and printed thereto, as also the Date of the Year,
wherein such Laws were respectively made, inserted in each Page;
and a List of such Laws made at the End of each Session, with the
Page where they are printed: All which the said Jonas Green is
hereby required and obliged to do, as well as all other Services herein
before mentioned, for the yearly Salary aforesaid.
[Laws to
have margi-
nal Notes.]
Provided always, and be it hereby Enacted, That it shall and may
be lawful for the taxable Inhabitants of this Province, upon whom
the above Sums of Money shall be assessed, to discharge and pay the
same in Gold and Silver, at the same Rates as by the Act entituled,
An Act for amending the Staple of Tobacco, for preventing Frauds
in his Majesty's Customs, and for the Limitation of Officers Fees,
made at this present Session of Assembly, Gold and Silver is directed
to be received in all Payments made in Virtue of that Act.
p. 138
Provided also, That it shall and may be lawful for the Sheriffs
of the several Counties respectively, and they are hereby required
not to pay to the said Jonas Green the said Sum of Money mentioned
in this Act or any Part thereof, to be assessed and levied for his
Use, unless it shall be made appear to them by a Certificate from the
Clerk of the respective County, (which Certificate shall be given by
the Clerk without Fee or Reward,) that the Public Laws, and the
Votes and Proceedings of this present Session, and every future Ses-
sion during the Continuance of this Act, were printed and delivered in
Manner and Form, and within the Time by this Act respectively
directed; any Thing herein before contained to the contrary in any
wise notwithstanding.
Clerks to
give Certifi-
cates of
their being
And whereas it is thought expedient that each Inspection Office,
and Vestry, within this Province, be furnished with Laws relating
to the Inspection of Tobacco, the better to enable them to know and
perform the Duty thereby required: Be it further Enacted, That for
the annual Allowance by this Act made and provided for the said
Jonas Green, he be hereby further obliged, and it be deemed Part of
& Vestries
to be fur-
nished with
the Laws.]