for the Time being, shall, and they are hereby authorized and directed,
at their Court, to be held in November Seventeen Hundred and Fifty
Three, to levy on the taxable Inhabitants of Prince-George's County,
a Sum not exceeding Three Thousand Pounds of Tobacco, together
with the Sheriff's Salary of Five per Cent, for Collection thereof,
which Sum, so assessed and levied, shall be collected by the Sheriff of
Prince-George's County, who is hereby required to pay the same to
the Justices of the said County for the Time being, or their Order or
Liber H. S.
No. I
And be it further Enacted, That the said Justices are hereby
authorized and required, out of the Sum not exceeding Three Thou-
sand Pounds of Tobacco aforesaid, to contract with and Purchase of
any Person or Persons whatsoever, a Lot of Land in any Part of
the said Upper-Marlborough Town they shall think fit, thereon to
build a new Prison for the said County, instead of the Place appointed
and directed by a former Act, and that the Conveyance or Convey-
ances for the same Lot of Land shall be, and are hereby directed and
required to be by Deed, Indented, and to be made between the Vendor
or Vendors of the First Part, and the said Justices for the Time being
of the Second Part, and shall be deemed, construed and taken, to be
the said Justices for the Time being, and to their Successors, to and
for the proper Use and Behoof of the Inhabitants of the said County
for ever.
And be it likewise Enacted, That any Person or Persons agreeing,
contracting, or bargaining with the Justices of the said County, for
the Building the said Prison, on the Lot or Parcel of Land whereon
the Court-House now stands, shall, and he or they are hereby
declared to be, obliged to build the said Prison on such Lot or Parcel
of Land as shall be bought, and appointed by the Justices aforesaid,
for that Purpose, as if the said Agreement, Contract, or Bargain, had
been made for the Building the Prison aforesaid, on the Lot of
Land to be bought, and appointed for that Purpose, in Virtue oi
this Act.
p. 122
[To pur-
chase a Lot
whereon to
build a