objecting to various provisions contained in the above act and threat-
ened to " repeal " the entire law by dissent unless the Assembly repeals
the portions to which he objects. The threat does not appear to have
been carried out. See Archives of Maryland; XXXI, 57.]
No. 22 An Act to cut off the Entail of Part of a Tract of Land called
Charley now lying in Charles and Prince Georges County's and
to Entail Lands of equal Value in lieu thereof.
Whereas William Wells of Ann Arundel County and Rebecca his
Wife have by their Petition to this General Assembly set forth
That a certain William Marshall late of Prince Georges County
deceased (Father to the Petitioner Rebecca) did by his last Will
and Testament in writing duly executed and recorded Devise Part
of a Certain Tract of Land called Charley now laying Part thereof