and the Profits to be raised thereby, the several Inspectors shall
annually lay before the respective Justices, fair and distinct Accounts
of the Profits and Loss, relating to their respective Offices, on Oath,
or Affirmation if a Quaker; and the Justices aforesaid shall settle and
adjust such Accounts, and that if the Profits of said Warehouses,
shall over and above bear the Expences of this Act, that then the
overplus Money shall be applied to defray the Charge of the County.
And be it further Enacted, That where any Warehouses shall be
to Account
Provided always, That nothing herein contained, shall be con-
strued to give Power to the said Justices to take away the Houses,
Orchards, or other immediate Conveniences of any Proprietor of
Land, for the Uses or Purposes aforesaid; nor to the said Inspectors
to keep any Horses, Cattle, or Hogs, at any the Public Warehouses
(except in Inclosures), upon the Land appointed for such Ware-
houses; and if any Swine belonging to the said Inspectors, or any
of them, shall be found at large upon the Land appropriated for
such Warehouses, or the Lands adjoining thereto, it shall and may
be lawful for the Proprietor of the Land, on which the said Ware-
houses are to be placed, to kill or cause them to be killed, or de-
stroyed. And the said Justices, in their respective Counties shall,
and are hereby declared to have full Power to put in Execution so
much of this Act, as relates to the erecting and building of Public
Warehouses, and to regulate all Matters concerning the same, and to
direct the building and repairing of Houses, Wharffs, Prizes,
Cranes, and other Conveniences, from Time to Time, as to them
shall seem necessary and expedient: And in Case, where the Pro-
prietor, Guardian, Husband, or Attorney, or any other Person (save
the Justices), shall build, and shall refuse, or neglect to make Re-
pairs, and other necessary Conveniences, such as the said Justices
shall direct, it shall and may be lawful for the said Justices, and they
are hereby required to have the same done at the Charge of the
County, and the Justices of such County shall receive so much of the
Nine Pence per Hogshead, so as, aforesaid to be paid for the Rent,
as will reimburse the County the Money expended in such Repairs.
And if upon Application of the Inspectors to the Justices aforesaid,
for building and making other necessary Houses, Wharffs, and
Repairs, such Justices shall refuse to do their Duty therein, every
Justice so failing or refusing, shall forfeit and pay Five Pounds
Current Money; to be recovered in the County Court, with Costs, by
[Justices not.
to take
away Or-
chards, &c.
not to keep
Hogs, &c. at
the Ware-
houses, ex-
cept in