260 Assembly Proceedings, Oct. 2-Nov. 17, 1753.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 47
November 16
And the Bill intituled, A Supplementary Act to the Act intituled,
An Act for the Relief of Creditors in England, against Bankrupts,
&c. indorsed, " By the Upper House of Assembly, November 16,
1753. Read the second Time, and will pass, with the following
Amendments; between the Words executed and shall, in 13th Line
of the first Page, put the following Words, or his or their Agent or
Agents, Attorney or Attorneys in Fact, or such other Person or Per-
sons who shall act by Commission or Direction from him or them ;
after the Word Province, in the last Line but one of the same Page,
insert the following Words, so far forth as the Goods, Chattels,
Effects, Debts, Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, shall Come to
the Hands or Possession of such Agent or Agents, Attorney or
Attorneys, or other Person or Persons, acting by Commission, or
Direction, as aforesaid.
Signed per Order, J. Ross, Cl. Up. Ho."
Which Bill was read, with the Amendments proposed, and passed
for ingrossing.
The Bill intituled, An Act to enable the Justices of Frederick
County, for the Time being, &c. was read, and passed for ingrossing.
Capt. Alexander Williamson, from the Committee of Elections,
p. 363
&c. delivers to Mr. Speaker the following Report, viz.
By the Committee of Elections and Privileges, November 16, 1753.
Your Committee having inspected the Writs, directed to the Sher-
iffs of Prince George's, Baltimore, and Dorchester Counties, and
Returns thereon, for electing Deputies and Delegates, to serve in
this General Assembly, do find, that Mr. John Hawkins, junior, a
Delegate of Prince-George's County, is duly returned; that Mr,
Henry Travers, and Mr. Joseph Cox Gray, Delegates of Dorchester
County, are duly returned; that Mr. John Paca, a Delegate of Balti-
more County, is duly returned.
All which is submitted to your honourable House.
Signed per Order, Benjamin Beall, Cl. Com.
Samuel Chamberlaine, Esq; from the Upper House, delivers to
Mr. Speaker the Bill intituled, An Act for granting Fees to the
several Justices of the County Courts, &c. And, the Bill intituled,
An Act to disable Persons transported into this Province for being
concerned in Rebellion against the King, from voting for Delegates ;
severally indorsed, " By the Upper House of Assembly, November
16, 1753. Read the second Time and will not pass."
The House adjourns till the morrow Morning at 8 of the Clock.