Read the Second Time the Bill entituled an Act for Encourage-
ment of the West India Trade and will not pass, Sent to the Lower
house with the following Message by Col Hammond.
By the Upper house of Assembly 22d June 1752.
We herewith return you the Bill entituled an Act for the en-
couragement of the West India Trade, with a Negative, because the
duty on Rum and Spirits is appropriated to defray the Publick
Charge of the Province out of which Negroes that are Executed for
Crimes are paid for, & the Commissions to the Naval Officers for
the fifteen pence Sterling are to be taken out of the said duty there-
fore those Articles ought to have been Provided for upon abolishing
of that duty
Signed p Order John Ross Cl Up H.
The Journal of the Committee of Accounts is Sent to the Lower
house with the following Message by Samuel Chamberlain, Esq.r
By the Upper house of Assembly 22d June 1752.
We observe that the Allowances mentioned & Referred to by
a Message of the 6.th day of June 1751 from this house are not in-
serted in the Journal We therefore Return you the Same that such
Allowances may be made with those Articles as have arose due
Since that time and are omitted in the Journal.
Signed p Order John Ross Cl Up H.
Fifteen Engrossed Bills from the Lower house by Mess.rs Hall &
Earl viz.t A Bill entituled an Act to prevent disabled and Super-
annuated Slaves being Set free or the Manumission of Slaves by any
last Will and Testament, A Bill Entituled an Act directing the
manner of punishing Fornication and Adultery before a Single
Justice of the Peace out of Court; A Bill Entituled an Additional
and Supplementary Act to the Act Entituled an Act for the better
Administration of Justice in Testamentary Affairs Granting Ad-
ministrations Recovery of Legacies Securing Filial Portions and
distribution of Intestates Estates; A Bill Entituled an Act for divid-
ing Certain Warehouses in Kent County therein Named; A Bill
Entituled an Act Continuing an Act Entituled an Act for the more
Effectual destroying of Squirrels and Crows in the Counties of
Kent Queen Anns and Talbot and for destroying Red Foxes in the
said Counties; A Bill Entituled a Supplementary Act to an Act
Entituled an Act to enable the Justices of Charles County to Assess
and levy on the Taxable Inhabitants of that part of the late Reverend
M.r Donaldsons Parish which lies in the said County 55000 Pounds
of Tobacco, and for other Purposes therein mentioned; A Bill En-
tituled a Supplementary Act to an Act Entituled an Act for the
U. H. J.
Liber No. 34
Tune 22