I thank for your Promises to contribute all in your Power to
render my Administration happy and agreeable; and I receive the
greatest Satisfaction from your Readiness and Chearfulness to
receive and take under Consideration, whatever the Duty of my Sta-
tion may require me at any Time to recommend.
Hor.° Sharpe.
On motion, Leave given to bring in a Bill, To impower the Justices
of the Provincial and County Courts, to direct their several Clerks,
to make out Commissions to examine Witnesses, residing out of this
Province, relative to Causes depending before them: Ordered, That
the Committee of Laws do prepare and bring in a Bill accordingly.
On motion, Leave given, to bring in, A Supplementary Bill to the
Attachment Law. Ordered, That the Committee of Laws do pre-
pare and bring in a Bill accordingly.
On motion, Leave given to bring in a Bill, For the more easy
Discovery of Judgments, in the several Courts in this Province, and
Bonds or Obligations, and Mortgages to the Commissioners of the
Paper Office: Ordered, That the Committee of Laws du prepare and
bring in a Bill accordingly.
On motion, Leave given to bring in a Bill, For the more easy Fore-
closure of Mortgages: Ordered, That the Committee of Laws do
prepare and bring in a Bill accordingly.
On motion, Leave given, That a Bill be brought in, For amending
the Staple of Tobacco, for preventing Frauds in his Majesty's Cus-
toms, and for the Limitation of Officers Fees: Ordered, That the
Committee of Laws do prepare and bring in a Bill accordingly.
On motion, Leave given, to bring in a Bill, For the Trial of all
Matters of Fact, in the several Counties where they have arisen, or
shall arise: Ordered, That the Committee of Laws do prepare and
bring in a Bill accordingly.
On motion, That a Committee be appointed, To enquire from the
several Officers, their Deputies, Registers, or Clerks, the Amount of
the Fees that have accrued due to them, in their several Offices, for
seven or eight Years last past, and that a Report thereof be made to
the House: Resolved, That Doctor Carroll, Capt. Hopper, Mr.
Handy, Mr. Fraser and Mr. Earle, be a Committee for that Purpose.
On motion, Leave given, to bring in a Bill, To reduce the Allow-
ances of the Members of the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly :
Ordered, That the Committee of Laws do prepare and bring in a
Bill accordingly.
p. 265