May it please your Excellency,
We, his Majesty's most dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Delegates
of the Freemen of Maryland, in Assembly convened, beg Leave, at
this our first Opportunity, to congratulate your Excellency, upon your
Appointment to the Government of this Province, and safe Arrival
amongst us, and at the same Time return you our sincere and hearty
Thanks for your kind Speech, at the Opening of this Session, as well
as for calling us together, at this moderate Season of the Year.
His Lordship's general Character, and affectionate Professions,
give us great Hopes that his Lordship's Tenants, the good People
of Maryland, will find him ever Careful of their Liberties, Privileges
and Properties, and we make no Doubt of a suitable and grateful
Return from them.
We cannot, without the highest Satisfaction, reflect upon your
Excellency's Expressions of Regard towards the People of this
Province, and from a due Sense and Conviction of our Duty, assure
you, our most zealous Endeavors shall not be wanting, that your
Excellency's good Intentions may produce the most happy Effects ;
and we flatter ourselves, as your Excellency has professed the Wel-
fare of the Province to be the Object ,of your Attention and Care,
and propos'd the Attainment of that End, for which we are intrusted
by our Constituents, and to which all our Views shall be unalterably
directed, such an Harmony and Concurrence will be preserved, as
may effectually secure to your Excellency the exquisite Pleasure you
wish for, of seeing a Free People flourish, under the happy Influence
of your Administration.
We look on the Zeal you used, in procuring the Replacement of the
Arms supplied from the Provincial Armory, for the Canada Expe-
dition, as an Instance of your kind and good Will towards us; for
which we return our Thanks.
The good of our Fellow Subjects, and promoting the Riches and
Happiness of this our Country, being the chief Points we have in
View, we shall thankfully receive from your Excellency, any
Thoughts that you will please to communicate to us, relative to those
important Purposes.
Was read and assented to, and signed, by Order of the House, by
the Honourable Speaker.
Ordered, That Mr. D. Dulany and Mr. C. Goldsborough, do
acquaint his Excellency, that this House hath prepared an Address
to him, and desires to know when, and where, he will please to receive
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